Help on ACT English section

<p>Hi! I have been studying the ACT English to a point where I could probably recite Barron's ACT English's section perfectly. However, when I took the real ACT, I got a 25. I took practice test and made 30's. Am I studying too much? </p>

<p>Thanks for the suggestions</p>

<p>Don’t over think it. The answer is always the one that sounds the best when you say it in your head.</p>

<p>Learn the differences between there/their/they’re, who & whom, it’s/its, ect.</p>

<p>More than 50% of the time it is omit.</p>

<p>More than 50% of the time it is the shortest answer.</p>


<p>If you say it in your head, and it doesn’t sound right, don’t pick it. DEFINITELY don’t pick an answer because it “sounds smart”.</p>