<p>I'll just hope that no one here will be doing this same exact essay for my college, so I won't put it exactly incase someone googles it.
Basically the essays states that to fill an SUV completely with ethanol, the corn that needed to be used to make it would be enough to feed one person for a year. It then asks the problems it would put on wealthy nations like the USA and what you would to to fix it**</p>
<p>Do they expect you to do research and cite sources as well? I want to say things like it would make food prices skyrocket, but would it be okay to use statistics, because then they would know you researched. Ethanol is quite harsh on the soil, and I want to say that the 2 billion people who live on less than $2 a day are struggling; one of my main points will be that a cure for the energy crisis will be a panacea for the world's problems in general. How should I approach this essay? Use my own reasoning/logic to say why it's bad, or do a lot of research?</p>