Help on Essays

<p>For prompt #1 You’re suppose to describe the world you come from (for example your family, school,etc) and how it has shaped your dreams and aspirations.</p>

<p>Would these two themes be okay?</p>

<li><p>How my parents didn’t go to college and that made me very determine to set high standards for myself.</p></li>
<li><p>I grew in a predominantly hispanic community and how this open my mind to understanding other ethnic groups. I also want to elaborate how this exposure made me understand that we do not all act the same (thinking out of my realm). I’m worried about this theme here because I’m afraid that it may seem I’m kissing up or this may be offensive. What i’m refering to is how the hispanic community is recieved by others. For me I support a lot of what they do and believe because I’ve lived among them and I understand partly how they feel. And by the way if you haven’t figured it out I’m white.</p></li>

<p>Are these two thems okay? What else can I write about?</p>

<p>Here is my two cents:</p>

<li><p>This idea focuses the statement primarily on your parents and their hardships; remember this is your personal statement and it should focus only on you since we are trying to admit you. Although this topic can be written successfully, most I've seen give lots of information about the parents and little about the applicant.</p></li>
<li><p>This prompt has more potential especially if it covers any leadership roles you have had in the community, how you have helped the community or in some cases have excelled personally and academically in an environment that doesn't normally allow it.</p></li>

<p>Remember, no matter how you decided to answer the prompt your statement should cover at least one of the 14 criteria campuses review to admit students. The criteria can be found at University</a> of California - Admissions if you need more information. Then just ask yourself which one, 1) or 2), answers the prompt and covers more of the criteria at the same time.</p>

<p>Concerning number 1 if i elaborate more on how it drove me to reach high goals and the fact that I felt like I have more to prove in comparison to the other kids. Would it sound twisted if i also explain how it made me more competitvie because I wanted to show that as an independent person I could succeed despite this disadvantage? Does it sound like I'm being to dramatic with this topic?</p>

<p>A lot of people's parents haven't gone to college and many will try to use this topic to describe how it drives them to succeed and such and i also thought about it, but it is still a personal statement and you should write about yourself more than your parents. I think the 2nd topic would be a better choice.</p>

<p>Yes that's what i was thinking too.</p>

<p>But I'm worried about that also for two reasons:</p>

<li>Some may thinking I'm "kissing up" </li>
<li>Some may disagree or even possibly find it offensive.</li>