<p>So right now I'm taking Chem 1A, Chem 1AL, Religious Studies 90A, Math 1A, and a freshman seminar on bioengineering (automatically pass/no pass). At the beginning of the semester I changed my major from molecular/cell bio to computer science, but it was too late to add different courses in place of chem1a/1al. I know I am going to at least pass chem1a, but it wouldn't be a grade that I was hoping for. Chem 1al is fine, I have an A. Math 1A has to be taken for a letter grade, and my seminar has to be taken pass/no pass. As for religious studies, I got a B on my midterm; I find the class very philosophical, and I've never been a big humanities person. If I take religious studies as pass/no pass, it will still satisfy a breadth requirement. Note: Up to 1/3 units by graduation can be pass/no pass.</p>
<p>So here is my dilemma...I really want to take both chem 1a and religious studies as pass/no pass, but at the same time I feel guilty for taking 3 pass/no pass classes (the other is the seminar) while only taking 2 classes for a letter grade. I feel like I would be slacking off if I did this. On the other hand, I don't want these grades to negatively effect my GPA when these classes have nothing to do with my major. I would be able to focus more on math 1a, which is a prerequisite for my major. Also, I still satisfy a requirement with religious studies. This would be a total of 8 pass/no pass units out of 13 total units for the semester.</p>
<p>I may be over-thinking this, as it is my first freshman semester, and now I am sure of my major so I can take more required classes next semester, which I would be taking all for a letter grade.</p>
<p>Sorry this is so long!! Any input is greatly appreciated! Thank you!</p>