Help, please! Any Loyola chicago Students?

I am currently confused between which school to transfer to. I wanna go to med school or graduate school so I need a high GPA. I am a little bit concerned about the core curriculum classes that I would have to take at loyola since its a jesuit school.

So I was just wondering how hard these classes can be, will they improve my GPA or just lower it?

I am also an international student so my english isn’t that good that is why I am a little bit concerned about these classes.
I would appreciate any input, and thanks in advance!

Hey, I’m an upcoming LUC student, and I am gonna go pre med too. The thing about core classes is, a lot of schools have em, and they also help you. Why? They expand what you know and colleges see that you aren’t just some person with only science interests (you can find those types everywhere). If they see you have a broader range of subjects, they are more likely to be impressed and know you are more well-rounded (always a good quality for writing essays or interviews or such)

As for gpa, just choose your professors wisely and you’ll find its not out-of-this-world hard, but it just requires some more effort than high school. If you really like science, the topics will be much more interesting in college. Plus, it depends on how much you wanna try.