info on loyola

3.58 UWGPA AP, Honors courses 24 ACT. What are my chances of being admitted? And can anyone supply information on the following:

Social life
Campus feel
Campus appeal,looks
Greek Life
Surrounding city
Financial Aid, scholarships

And how do I major in pre med or is it a bunch of classes? Unsure how it works? Thanks

I had a lower gpa but a higher ACT score than you and I was accepted. You’ll get in. The dorms are beautiful and well maintained especially the new ones. I’m not sure about a lot of the topics you’re looking for info on but the campus is absolutely beautiful. So clean and the buildings are a mix of modern and older but very pretty. They have a Lakeshore campus on Lake Michigan as well as the Water Tower campus right by the infamous Michigan Avenue. Both are spectacular. They give out a lot of financial aid and if your ACT score gets higher you’ll be eligible for some merit scholarships! Chicago is an awesome city and there are several colleges there so a lot students go to parties at other schools. You can’t major in pre med but they do have a pre med track. There are required courses that you take while majoring in something else. For example, I will have a business degree but also have completed my pre med requirements. LUC is great place for pre med. I hope this helped!