Help Please!!

<p>Ok so I have a delimma right now and I need some advice as to what to do with my situation. I currently have an SAT score of 2020 ( CR 610 M 700 W 710), which is ok, but not the greatest. I am strongly considering applying to Duke ED and I have to submit my scores very soon If i decide to do so. On their website it says that the latest they can take tests are from OCtober test dates and while they say they do accept November test dates, it is not gauranteed that the scores will reach Duke's office in time. This basically leaves me with one test date in OCtober in which I can take either the Sat or subject tests . Duke requires subject tests if you take the sat so i would be forced to take the sat subject tests. my problem wiht this is that i am not sure if my sat I is competitive enough for Duke's ED pool. My other option would be to take the ACT later in October for the first time and just submit that since subject tests aren't needed with the ACT for Duke. Is it worth takeing the risk in taking the ACT for the first time and hoping for a good score or should i just take the subject tests?</p>

<p>I’m going to comment based on your current scores/situation and information from your previous thread:</p>

<p><a href=“chance hispanic student please :) - Hispanic Students - College Confidential Forums”>chance hispanic student please :) - Hispanic Students - College Confidential Forums;

<p>While you improved some in your overall SAT score, unfortunately your CR actually dropped slightly. IMO this is a concern because selective schools want to be sure that the students they select will succeed, and reading comprehension is a critical skill, no matter what your area of interest. So, with 2000 being the 25% SAT level for Duke, a lower than 25% CR score, and a 3.6 gpa/10% ranking, I wouldn’t say that you are a particularly competitive candidate for Duke ED. </p>

<p>Are you prepared to take your subject tests? I’m a little dismayed that you weren’t instructed by your HS GC to take them last spring, when I assume you prepped for the AP tests in Bio, Calc & USH. </p>

<p>Some people do better on the ACT than the SAT, others do worse, and yet others, about the same, so there’s really no way of predicting how you will do. Do you have time to prep for it substantially?</p>

<p>As stated in other threads, there are many factors taken into consideration for Hispanic candidates, it’s a complicated process and I by no means have any insider information, I’m only making an assessment based on what I’ve seen to date. I hope other members will comment on their experiences/knowledge.</p>

<p>Yeah the counselors at my school aren’t all that great but I do share some of the blame for not looking this up earlier. I am pretty confident that I can prepare for either test I take next month, I just have to know which one to prepare for. If i take the subject test, I would most likely do a USH and MAth 2 since remember my USH fairly well and would only need a week to prepare for it. THe Math 2 test would have many concepts im familiar with thanks to Calculus and I will also prepare well for that one. A lot of my friends have told me to take the ACT and I would have over a month to prepare for it since it is in late october, i just don’t know if it is worth taking the risk of getting a great score on the ACT or completely bombing it.</p>

<p>It will take more time & money, but you could take the SAT 2s in early Oct. and the ACT in late Oct. Then you could decide whether your SAT scores or ACT are better to send.</p>

<p>You definitely need to look at the CB site to see the subjects covered and example questions for the Math 2 test:</p>

<p>[Math</a> 2 - SAT Subject Test Math Level 2 Practice Questions](<a href=“The SAT – SAT Suite | College Board”>The SAT – SAT Suite | College Board)</p>

<p>It doesn’t cover higher level concepts like what you had in Calc, there is much that you haven’t done for quite awhile, so you’ll need to review older material.</p>

<p>Thank you so much for your help, Its great knowing there is somebody reliable I know that can help me! I’ve been working on my extra curricular activities and have done some more things, such as help restart the anchor club at my school and join interact club and key club. My counselor called me up last June and told me I made the cut for NHRP and hopefully Ill be a NHRP Scholar since my GPA is above a 3.5. I also got an AP Scholar award and got accepted into National Spanish Honors Society at my school (Only 8 kids got accepted). Im also planning on applying to National Science Honors Society later this year since i got an invitation to apply. Hopefully this all helps a little in the grand scheme of my application.</p>

<p>You’re welcome and best of luck with your tests and other activities!</p>

<p>Did you ever look into the Questbridge program as Entomom suggested last April?? I don’t know if the deadline has passed but I would definitely look into it since it would help a lot with admissions. </p>

<p>Also some universities have an office of minority affairs where they help or give advice to certain Latinos applying to their college. Do some research to see if Duke has one and follow up with them.
Good luck.</p>

<p>You have gotten some excellent advice from entomom and itsv. I would encourage you to be ready to apply to a variety of universities. With your profile you will be competitive for some outstanding universities (and there are many) but in case Duke ED does not work out, you should have applications in process or ready for other places.</p>