I applied to cal poly SLO and san diego state with a 3.2 gpa, 1820 Sat score. Im a cal private school student and took 2 ap math classes junior year and 2 honor calsses soph year. Do i have a chance to poly?
What is your intended major at SLO and SDSU? What is your CSU GPA and breakdown of your SAT score?
Your major will play heavily into the acceptance for both schools.
Calculate your Eligiblity index for SDSU: (CSU GPA x 800) + (SAT Math+CR) and post. If unsure, just answer the questions so I can calculate and chance you.
intended major is biology and my CR is 540 and math is 650 CSU gpa is a 3.21 and my writng score was a 630
Your eligiblity index is 3758 which is low for SDSU since Biology has a 31% acceptance rate and over 6,000 applicants each year. An EI of 4000+ is recommended. For SLO, the acceptance rate is around 18% with about 5000 applicants each year. Your SAT is on target for SDSU but a little low for SLO. GPA is what is hurting your chances.
SLO: Reach
SDSU: Low Reach
I hope you have some backups on your list and wish you Good Luck.
As usual, @Gumbymom is correct - Hopefully you have a viable back up plan
Good luck
SLO: Reach
SDSU: Low Reach
Try a safety please
Chance me @Gumbymom‌