<p>As I was trying to register for the Jan 2014 SAT Reasoning test, I found out that the seats were full for the only test center in my country even though the final registration date is 1 month away.</p>
<p>I chose the first option from - </p>
<p>Still can't find a test center with an available seat?</p>
<li>Let College Board find a test center for you</li>
<li>Or lastly, select a different test date</li>
<p>So then CollegeBoard told me it would find a 'Test Center' from my choice. They also told me that 'Efforts will be made to assign you either at your ideal test center or a test center closest to your ideal test center.' I chose the only (and full) test center in my country.</p>
<p>I really want to know what chances of getting to the test center are in your country .
I am also bugged at the system there for not letting me know how they will place me.
(Is it like when a person is absent and I get his or her place???)
Also can you guys shed some light on how much time I have to wait for CB to assign me to a test center, if they actually do...
I seriously don't want to go to another country as it costs significantly high.</p>
<p>Thanks. :)</p>
<p>you are waitlisted and you will get a seat in case someone chooses to cancel his booking. Very low chances by the way, i wouldn’t count on it.</p>
<p>Since you are giving the test in Jan, i don’t think you are a Senior and :. i recommend booking for next test (next or next to next month) as early as you can.</p>
<p>Which country are you from?? One test center…i never heard of something like this.</p>
<p>I am from Myanmar. I am serious; There is only 1 test center.
Yeah that is what I was thinking too. But the nxt test is in May and it seriously would screw up my plans.
Theres no 11th or 12th grade in Myanmar, but i finished 10th grade so i guess i am a Junior or sth.</p>
<p>You mean after 10th, you guys go to college?</p>
<p>if so then i think, that you are 15 which gives you an advantage as usually, People start college at 18 or so, so you can take the May SAT after all.</p>
<p>Im 16 now. We usually spend 2 years after after high school (which is only till 10th grade) to prep everything from SAT to community service. We dont have any ‘real’ guidance counsellors so we mostly go to agencies which helps us contact universities for a hefty price. There are only a few international schools (which is until 12th grade) but only some choose to go there. 80% don’t but for some reason, the ones who dun attend school but did well in every test and stuf get higher scholarships.</p>
<p>We also have SAT test agencies which help us transfer money for SAT and they told me that CB would try to add seats in the test center. I seriously doubt that… <em>sigh</em></p>
<p>Well all i can do now is answer SAT reasoning in May and SAT II in june with AP and TOEFLs snudged somewhere in between two years.</p>
<p>You are 16, that means you still have 1 year free. You can easily give TOEFL any time and i mean ANYTIME. I went without any prep. and scored a 99. You can with 2 weeks prep easily score a 105+. </p>
<p>About SAT, give SAT 1 in May and then any 2 SAT IIs in June. You will have 6 months left by the end of June and then focus on your application essays etc.</p>
<p>By the time you apply, you will be 17 (normal age for everyone to go to college in US)</p>
<p>Do not think that TOEFL is difficult and you would need to study for it like you are doing for SAT. If you can speak EXTEMPORE, you can easily get a 110 on it. I hate extempore and thus got a 99 (lowest in speaking- 19/30). Rest were Still decent.</p>
<p>You’re right about that. What can I do in the meanwhile while I wait to answer the two SATs. I was thinking of joining some sports and music groups, doing some volunteering and researching some colleges. What can I do to improve that plan. (No counsellors in my country. Sorry to bother you…
<p>Oh and do universities prefer iBt toefls to pBts???</p>
HEY! PLEASE answer and update? What happened? Did collegeboard assign you a test centre in the country or near the country? Im currently going through the same thing and really want to know! thanks!
@thawhtet1997 you might want to spend some of your time studying for the new SAT. The test in May will be a the NEW SAT not the same one you have prepared for. www.khanacademy.org/sat is a great free resource.
thewhtet1997 posted this comment two years ago so i doubt they would want to study for the SAT now
@Pomegrenade6 This is why you start new threads instead of resurrecting old ones! The OP hasn’t post to CC since December 2013 do you really think they are still following this thread and will post an update???
MODERATOR’S NOTE: Please use old threads for reference only. The OP hasn’t been on this website in two years.