<p>I'm an incoming transfer student for Spring 09, and was assigned a room in Founders. However, I'm coming from out-of-state with no car or bike, and am worried how I'll be able to get to and from campus. I've checked the tram route, which runs Monday - Friday, but I have no idea what to do on the weekends. According to the housing website, it's a 17 minute walk to campus, and I don't know what to expect in terms of safety.</p>
<p>Any help? I'd like to try and get something closer to campus, or I may have to just stay at my current school.</p>
<p>I read that there is a bicycle shop near USC. Many students ride bikes. The campus is flat, not hilly. Can you look at the USC housing web site and get an idea how many students live at Founders? If you go to the USC web site and click on events, you will get an idea of things going on at USC. Football games are popular. Also, your department/religious place (if that interests you), special interest groups, might all sponsor various activities.</p>
<p>mdcissp: Thanks for the info on the bike shop. However, when I said I didn’t know what to do on the weekends, I meant that I didn’t know how to get around without that tram.</p>
<p>This is my third attempt to transfer to USC, and I feel like I’ll never be able to do it. And it always boils down to an issue of safety.</p>
<p>Twenty, I’m not sure where Founders is, but if it is USC run housing, there are going to be plenty of other students around. Personal safety really involves using common sense, not wandering around alone with visible Ipods or taking short cuts through dark streets and alleys, at all hours of the night.
As for transportation, a bike is recommended. Even students living on campus have bikes to get around. There are in fact two bike shops in the area.
There are safety issues at all campuses, even at UCLA with its upscale surroundings, where muggings are known to have happened at night.
If this is your third time trying to transfer, you obviously have a lot of interest in USC.
I believe you can also request reassignment in the first couple of weeks in the semester, if space is available.</p>
<p>I checked the housing web site to look up Founders and it said there is a tram stop there. However, I do not recommend being out at night off campus unless you have a tram or USC escort service. Also, I don’t know you, but if you are the party type/like to drink on the week-ends, then I would be concerned about safety because you don’t want to be off campus in an alcohol intoxicated state because you need to have clear, good jugement at all times. I also don’t know what your alternatives are because many good college campuses are not in the best of neighborhoods. I think if you are willing to buy a bike, use the tram, use the USC campus escort service at night/week-ends, you should be o.k.
But, if you plan to go walking alone when it is dark, I suggest you call USC and discuss this before transferring.</p>
<p>Founders is right down the street from Fraternity Row, so there are generally a lot of people around and it’s pretty safe. If you’re going out at night, just remember to always walk in groups. The walk to campus is only about 15 minutes.</p>
<p>[USC</a> Spring admits 09 (Graduate in 2012) | Facebook](<a href=“Facebook”>Facebook)</p>
<p>on there are a lot of people who are moving into their frat houses and looking for someone to take their “on campus” housing. give it a go dude, you should be able to find someone who hasnt found someone to take their housing yet</p>