<p>I was waitlisted at a Top20 school that is my number one choice. I understand that my chance of being accepted off this waitlist is almost zero. However, the school wants my third marking period grades and I got my lowest grade in my life this marking period- a C+ (about a 78.3%) in regular physics. I have never ever had a C of any kind...ever and I am truly embarrassed by it. The thing is, I actually have the 4th or 5th highest grade in the class. We had a grade-wide (regular-AP classes) engineering project that almost everyone failed. My group put in so much time and effort, but none of us have any real engineering skills. Does this ruin any hope I had at all of getting off the waitlist? Will the university take into consideration the fact that it was the 3rd marking period of my senior year? I applied for a humanities major and my math/science grades have always been the weakest part of my transcript.</p>
<p>It certainly won't help you.</p>