Deferred? What Now?

<p>Hi! I got my letter today from TCU and got deferred :/. I don't really know why and was wondering if theres anyway i can find out where my application came up short? Or if anyone else thinks they know why I wasn't accepted then i would be interested to hear.
Also what is the deferred process like? When will i know if i was accepted/denied? And if i won't take the ACT again, will they just deny me? I wasn't really interested in actually going to TCU, little too conservative for me. </p>

31 ACT
3.4 GPA (UW) (school does not weight)
All boy private Jesuit high school. Very demanding and challenging
Captain and varsity Athlete
VP of model UN
Eucharistic Minister
Part Time Job
Also I am from Saint Louis.
Thanks for reading if you made it this far. Any comments would be great!

<p>from that you seem to be close to what TCU typically accepts. I do think TCU is becoming a more competitive school to get into. What has the rigor of your schedule been like? What are you doing class wise this year? Were your essay and recs good? They may feel like something was a little low or felt that you weren’t really interested in going, in which case they are probably trying to see how you stack up in the regular applicant pool and what your first semester grades are like. I would assume they review your application a second time and you’ll hear back the same time the other people who applied regular will.</p>

<p>I have no idea why you weren’t excepted. If you don’t mind me asking…were you ever suspended or had many detentions? </p>

<p>^cause I’ve noticed people who get suspended have had problems getting in. I would contact the admissions office because your stats should get you in </p>

<p>Don’t know how to delete my post but I meant to say *accepted! Sorry! </p>

<p>I agree with contacting admissions. Your stats are higher than others I’ve heard of that got accepted. Very frustrating I’m sure!</p>

<p>@15aflynn‌ Nope! I had a detention once freshman year for having to many tardies but i mean? thats the only thing i have ever really gotten in trouble for! </p>

<p>@hcasey315‌ The School i attend is very demanding, one of the hardest in the area. They don’t weight so it kind of kills my GPA which would be higher at a less challenging school. I have 6 AP’s and i feel like my Rec’s were really good from my teachers and counselors. We take a month out of our english class to work on our college essays so i thought mine was really good. Ill just contact Admission to see what happened. Thanks for the comment!</p>

<p>@letsgorams2015‌ then I have NO idea why you weren’t accepted. I would ask the admissions committee why. </p>

<p>@letsgorams2015‌ Do you have a downward trend of grades? Since the GPA is a little low they could have moved to look at your course rigor and if the trend was not upward it may have been a red flag. Also did you do the questions about why you wanted to go there, etc, I know on the common app they were not in the same place as most writing supplements. Did you do they freedom of expression page? All these things could have shown a lack of interest on your part which is becoming a big deal to schools.</p>

<p>@hcasey315‌ no its an upward trend (around a 2.9 freshman year, 3.4 soph, 3.9 Junior). I did answer those questions but half heartedly, generic answers. I emailed my admission counselor and he said my test scores were higher than most they accept but they didn’t feel like the GPA was high enough. Wish they knew that my school was extremely challenging and doesn’t weight :/. O well! thanks for the comment</p>