Help! What should I do?

Ok so my spanish class got a new teacher in January. My old teacher retired but I loved her. She was a great teacher and I learned so much. I also want to point out that in her class I had the highest grade both marking periods she was there. I know this because she gives out an award every marking period to the person with the highest grade. Anyway, my new teacher is right out of college and graduated from Columbia, so she clearly is a smart person. However she is an awful teacher. Rather, she doesn’t teach. I have somehow managed to keep up my A average in that class until today. We had a test which I studied very hard for and it was impossible. It was easily one of the hardest tests I have ever taken. I left some of my answers best and put some answers in others thinking I could go back later. Then, she told us we could come after school to finish. So I was like, oh ok I’ll leave these to go back to after school and work on the essay portion now. So when I handed it in I told her I’m coming after school and she said ok thats fine. The next period I had gym and then I went back to her room after school. I asked for the test and after looking through her pile she pulled mine out and says “oh sorry looks like I already graded it.” I was like are you kidding me you told me I could finish it after school. She told me about how it wasn’t fair I got to look stuff up in the period between and that I couldn’t do anything about it. SHE GAVE OTHER PEOPLE IN THE ROOM AT THE SAME TIME AS ME THE TEST TO FINISH BECAUSE “they only had the writing to do.” SHE NEVER TOLD ME THAT and now my grade is going to go down to like a C because I failed a major test. And I know I failed it cause she wrote the grade on it and just marked all the ones I left blank wrong. What should I do?

First off, speak with the teacher. Politely address your concerns without utterly blaming her. Just speak politely, no matter what she says, and go from there. At the least, you will show a concern for your grade.