<p>I am a rising junior and am starting to narrow my focus on which colleges I want to attend. I am interested in east coast schools. I run cross country and track and want to continue and participate in collegiate athletics, however I want to attend a school with reputable academics. Cost is a key factor in my decision since my parents are putting another student through college and I won't be able to receive much need-based aid (I live in an area with an inflated cost of living). Here are my stats:
3.58 unweighted GPA
4.2 weighted
4 in AP gov
All honors classes 10th grade, most honors in 9th
Nearing 100+ community service hours, will grow exponentially with time though
Captain, Cross Country and Track
Editor, School Newspaper
Member, Badminton club
1810 PSAT
800: 2:04 1600: 4:37 XC 5K: 16:42</p>
<p>Some schools that have been brought to my attention are George Mason, Marist, App State, Geneseo and UMBC. I don't have a preference for size, so CC can you answer my two part question: What schools should I consider and what are my chances with the schools I listed?
P.S. Sorry for the length but I figured the more info the better.</p>