Help with college search

<p>I am a rising junior and am starting to narrow my focus on which colleges I want to attend. I am interested in east coast schools. I run cross country and track and want to continue and participate in collegiate athletics, however I want to attend a school with reputable academics. Cost is a key factor in my decision since my parents are putting another student through college and I won't be able to receive much need-based aid (I live in an area with an inflated cost of living). Here are my stats:
3.58 unweighted GPA
4.2 weighted
4 in AP gov
All honors classes 10th grade, most honors in 9th
Nearing 100+ community service hours, will grow exponentially with time though
Captain, Cross Country and Track
Editor, School Newspaper
Member, Badminton club
1810 PSAT
800: 2:04 1600: 4:37 XC 5K: 16:42</p>

<p>Some schools that have been brought to my attention are George Mason, Marist, App State, Geneseo and UMBC. I don't have a preference for size, so CC can you answer my two part question: What schools should I consider and what are my chances with the schools I listed?
P.S. Sorry for the length but I figured the more info the better.</p>

<p>For the athletics part, you’re going to just to have to start looking at the schools to see where your times would fit in. You should also post on the athletics forum, people there should have a better idea. </p>

<p>You also really need to get your SAT scores. I have no idea if your track times are any good but a college coach is going to want to see your test scores as well. Any private schools where your scores are in the top 25% will probably put in line for merit scholarships. You’re not likely to get merit or much need based aid at public universities.</p>