Help with the UC App

<p>I have a few questions: </p>

<p>1) My dad is a gas station owner…so, when they ask for job title, do I just put “owner”? And, he used to own another store in Atlanta, before he decided to move to Alabama. In the previous job title, do I list that down?..he has been an owner for a while now, but before that he used to be a manager in a store - [so do I list that down in the previous job title space instead of the other previous job]? </p>

<p>2) My parents are divorced. In the 2nd guardian, do I list her name down, or my step-mother’s? My mom and dad are planning to join together to pay for my tuition. My step-mom’s not paying, but I live with my dad and her - [Basically what im trying to ask, is do I list down the two guardians who are going to pay, or the guardians who live in my household?]</p>

<p>3) I want to apply to UCD. But, my dad’s making me send an application to UCB [I KNO im nevaar gonna get in…atleast not for undergrad. lol] so, would applying to UCB affect my chances at UCD (bc i heard…or read that UCD is going through the “Tuft’s Syndrome” and they’d reject anyone who meets their qualifications bc UCD may just be a safety school for those students…would UCD have any way of finding out that im applying to UCB? UCD is, and has been, my first choice. I don’t want them to think it’s a safety school for me [even tho I kno im waaaay under-qualified for UCB]…</p>


<p>About the “additional comments” part of the app:

  • I go to a private school, with not many APs (only two) and some dual enrollment subjects - Do I just say that there were only two AP options and (for Dual enrollment - We had a Troy University Dual E. Program thing going on for 10th and 11th grade…but when my school switched to the University of Alabama, I signed up for the Dual E. courses there…do I put that down in my additional comments? I don’t want the UC to think that I didn’t try my best for my courses…I was pretty apprehensive about the Troy University program…It didn’t seem like a challenge to me…and it was way too expensive…as opposed to the D.E program of UA) </p>

<p>Im soooo sorry for the confusing and disorganized post - I just need some immediate help. I don’t even know if this post belongs to this forum or not…Im kinda desperate for help. :/</p>

<p>Did you get any responses?</p>

<p>As far as your dad’s title, just call him a small business owner. Or you can write down exactly what he does.</p>

<p>I don’t think it hurts your chances at any of the UCs to apply to more than one UC. Peope do it all the time.</p>

<p>As far as the rest, I don’t have any insights. Check around on the forums to see what other comments have been provided in the past re the application.</p>

<p>I didn’t get any responses. </p>

<p>You’re the first, brave soul to post on this topic. lol. So, I applaud and thank you for that. :D</p>

<p>Alrightie, I’ll just write down “Small Business Owner”; and I shall apply to more than one UC. :slight_smile: I doubt Im still gonna apply to Berks tho. lol.</p>



<p>Something descriptive would work. “Small business owner” is fine.</p>



<p>If your parents have joint custody, then you would put your mother’s name in the space for “Mother/Parent 2/Guardian.” If your step-mother is your guardian (if your school calls her when your dad is not available), then you would put your step-mother’s name in that space.</p>



<p>Each UC campus reviews the application independently and applying to one campus will not affect your chance of admission at another campus.</p>



<p>Yes, put that explanation in the Additional Comments (you may want to use the one under the Personal Statement section since the explanation is kind of long).</p>

<p>Thank you Ms. Sun!! </p>

<p>Also, I have a few more questions: Well, I used to take piano last year, but now Im thinking of not doing it. I joined a few clubs this year (12th grade), but they’re pretty new, and some developed this year. Because of my interest, I joined those clubs. I just don’t want to seem “sketchy”, since the only club that I’ve been in for more than one year is the Art Club, whereas I recently joined the other clubs. In the additional comments section, would I have to write down why I joined these clubs my final year and how they’re really new? Two of the clubs began last year, but I was pretty apprehensive about joining them since I wasn’t sure if it would develop well (since a lot of the clubs in my school tend to die out, and I wanted to be a part of something that would be very active). </p>

<p>Also, when I have to describe the other courses beside A-G ones, do I write about what the course is like (the material covered + lab), or the class?</p>

<p>annddd (final question, i promise) - on the ‘previous college’ part of the application, do I write about my dual enrollment courses, or do I leave that part of the application blank, since Im technically a freshman applying.</p>

<p>UCs prefer long term commitment, so you’ll need to do some damage control if you keep hopping between clubs. I can’t really recommend a strategy without looking at the pattern of your participation. You are welcome to PM me with a list of your extracurriculars and maybe I can make some suggestions.</p>

<p>For Course Other Than A-G, you should describe what the class is about if the course title is not very obvious. Indicate if you were working on a certificate an/or why you wanted to take the course.</p>

<p>For dual enrollment courses, I recommend students to put the coursework under the college and not the high school (don’t double list the courses) so your GPA calculates correctly. In the Additional Comments section, put that your high school also grants credit for the college courses and they will show up on your HS transcript.</p>

<p>@AskMsSun: Thankkyou so much! You have helped me soo much! :smiley: </p>

<p>I shall PM you my list of EC’s.</p>