
i came from Ethiopia abt two months ago and back home we learnt all sorts of classes(physics,chemo,bio,technical drawing,maths,history,geography) whether we liked it or not i learnt in an international school in case u ask where i learnt my english from :) and so i moved to the states and now am enrolled as a junior in high-school and i got this a schedule and my weak point is physics and my good ones are bio chemo and history so what do u guy think about my schedule am kind of frustrated as tomorrow is my first day of school in a new country with a new system plzzzzzz HELP!!! any advice will help</p>

<p>AP English Lit
IB mathematics SL
IB psychology HL
AP/IB Biology
AP/IB Chemistry
theatre foundation
arabic II</p>

<p>Help with what? There is no question other than looking at the schedule. I’m assuming it is 2 semesters of work.</p>

<p>no its a one semister schedule nd am having second thoughts so am asking if making a bad decision taking ib and some advice</p>

<p>I would suggest that you not take AP English since your English skills appear to need help. I wouldn’t take IB classes being new to the country and taking 8 classes will be brutal.</p>

<p>Thank you for you opinion but I"ll stick with it and about my English needing help am afraid you are judging without no knowledge of my extents and I believe anyone can achieve anything if they are willing to do more! sky is the limit</p>

<p>The sky is the limit, but you also need to know when enough is enough. You are taking a schedule that is very challenging, your English isn’t very good to be blunt, and it is your first year in a new country, let alone school. Good luck, but I think you’ve bit off more than you can chew.</p>

<p>Sab, you asked for advice and it was given to you and then you became defensive when a suggestion was given. Your use of English in your post immediately sent up red flags and since I specialize in language, I pointed out that you may need some work in that area. Eight classes will be difficult and that’s the truth, but you don’t want advice or truth.</p>

<p>Yeah you are right but in my school Its a must to learn AP English class if u want to take the whole IB program bea and i will work on my English in order for me to take the rest of the classes and believe me i do not want to take this particular class either but what choice do i have? But thank you i was kind of frustrated so i might have been a little defensive on you which by the way I am sorry for</p>