ADVICE PLEASE!!! Any advice will do.

I’ll just lay it out on the table, sound good?

Freshman GPA: 3.6
Tentative Sophomore GPA: 3.9 (darn you English…btw i took all honors except I took regular history rather than AP Euro because I thought I’d fail)

AP Schedule (if im not doing IB):

AP World Lit
AP US History
AB Calc (idk if i should do BC or not… I can’t risk getting a B…)
Japanese Level 3
Organic Chem
IB Physics
Free block OR computer science (still haven’t really finalized this yet)

With these stats… do you think it’s right for me to take IB?
Would I be capable to take the IB curriculum?

If I DID take IB, what would my schedule probably look like instead?

If you think I should or shouldn’t, please explain your reasoning.

TBH I’m a total slacker in nature but I’ve somehow transformed into a working machine after my horrible freshman year GPA.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t get an A in English but… I’m planning on getting a tutor in the future.

Also, what are some things an IB student needs to get through IB with STRAIGHT As or at least all As and one B?
From a planner to some sort of mindset, please let me know your thoughts.

I have to make my decision literally next week, and I’m nervous.
I want to take IB but I also don’t want to face the scenario of dropping out.

Do not do IB if you are not well rounded in all subjects. AP offers more flexibility in subjects you want to take. Have you decided already? If not then dont do it.

If you are obsessed about A’s, I’d suggest not doing IB. Colleges view it pretty much the same as AP and it’s a ton of extra work. If you actually want to be prepared for college, IB is the way to go.
Just my opinion though

I do not agree that colleges view IB and AP the same way. IB is clearly more rigorous than AP because of the inflexibility of the schedule.

If you take IB, your English, History, and math classes will likely change to IB unless your school is like mine and combines IB and AP into the same class. You will also have to choose an IB elective. I would suggest taking it in your first year so you can focus on HL tests in your second year.

If you can get all As in honor classes, then you should be fine in IB classes. Don’t expect easy As though. IB is not for everyone.

Good luck!