I need help asap please!
I went to a high school where I was offered to take college classes at a local community college while still attending high school. When I graduated high school and received my diploma, I also had a little over a year of college completed. My high school advisor pushed me to stay at community college to finish my associate’s degree before transferring to a 4 year university.
Anyways, whenever I was scheduling my classes, I had a 1.75 GPA. I feel like I was too young to take the responsibility of taking college classes while still only so young even though it was a great opportunity. Because my GPA was low, I could not use FASFA to help pay for college. My parents cannot afford college, and I did not get any help with scholarships. I took a semester off to reevaluate what I wanted to do with my life, and I would like to transfer to “start over.”
Many high school students get a chance to start over whenever they start college, but that is not the case for me. Because I did not take my college classes seriously while still in high school, I feel like I am haunted by them. I have been applying for more scholarships, but I am just ready to move on in my future and get over this setback that is going on.
My dream school is University of South Carolina, but I have Coastal Carolina as a backup. Should I be scared to apply to USC? I am afraid to apply to USC and/or CCU because of my low GPA, but I don’t know what to do! PLEASE HELP!

Your post is difficult to interpret. When did you graduate HS? Did you take college classes after graduating from HS? What is your HS GPA? What are your SAT/ACT scores?

I’m sorry! I graduated high school June 2014, and I’m not sure about my HS GPA. When you’re a transfer student, they don’t look at HS

Did you take the ACT or SAT at any point?

I took the ACT and got a 17. My school told me I didn’t need to take it again because I was planning on finishing my associate’s degree before all of this started happening. I’m so confused on what to do :frowning:

Yes, many schools Do look at HS info for transfers - generally not those that are transferring with college Junior status. So you HAVE taken college classes since you graduated? That is where the 1.75 came from?

I had the opportunity to take college classes while still in high school; I started taking college classes sophomore year (I was about 16), and then when I was a senior, I was a full-time college student at our local community college. So my 1.75 college GPA happened while I was still in high school.

Why would you do that?

If you took all the classes prior to high school graduation, you would not technically be a transfer student, but instead a first time freshman, albeit one with several credits in your back pocket. They will absolutely be interested in your high school transcript, which will include your CC enrolled classes taken during your final years of high school. I would consider retaking the ACT to see if you can get the score up. What was your HS GPA on your final transcript?