
<p>okay so usually i get all A's and I'm trying to go to a pretty good college and im really concerned about my grade and everything.
so i have A's in all my classes except SAT prep which I have a B for the final grade. is there anyway that I can drop the class or something so that it doesnt drop my GPA? (ps. I'm a junior)</p>

<p>you'd probably have to talk to your school's guidance department about that. random people on the internet are not going to know how your school works...but anyway one B in SAT prep doesn't really matter so even if you can't drop the class don't worry.</p>

<p>One B really isn't that bad, especially in something like SAT prep, though dropping a course might look bad on your transcript.</p>

<p>Whoa you have an SAT prep class in school?
Thats really interesting lol. Ya one B won't be too bad, that is unless you want 4.0, and plus, if you ace the SAT, then that will make up for any deficiency</p>

<p>Oh my God! A B in SAT Prep! Whatever shall we do?</p>

<p>Sorry for the horrible sarcasm. I just am that way.</p>

<p>Well first of all, you should be thankful that your school offers SAT Prep in the first place...And secondly, it's not even a real class (as in, not as important as science, math, english, etc).</p>

<p>oh gosh we learned nothing in that class. all we did is take 2 practice tests. the teachers were idiots. i wish i had taken study hall in which i could have actually gotten work done :( but thank you for the input!</p>

<p>Talk to you guidance counselor. One B won't hurt you if you're getting As in everything else, but if you want to drop it, your guidance counselor is the person to talk to.</p>