The bonus is that you get to have her home with you…and experience all the little things which are so important. IT sounds as if she is happy with her decision and that there were no regrets. That’s a great outcome.
Kudos to your daughter @RedSoxFan18 for making the decision which can be perceived as going against the flow but it is very clear that she has made the decision after much rational thought process and is happy with her decision. She sounds like one brilliant kid who knows herself and confident beyond measures to make her decision. Kudos to you for supporting her throughout in deciding and not bringing your own feelings in the decision making, I can relate that it is the hardest thing to do but you both did wonderful!! Best wishes to you and your family. Your kids will shine no matter which school.
+1000 on getting to keep her at home!
@RedSoxFan18 your daughter is wiser than our family. My DD planned to go to Groton’s 8th grade but after the revisit didn’t like it. She decided to hold-off for the next year when she would have more choices. For 9th grade she ended up at St. Paul’s. And now after two years there she wants out. She is basically bored with it, which may seem like heresy, but it is quite possible. When you have good options at home, then boarding schools aren’t the end-all. If your DD is wise enough to not be enamored by Andover, then she knows what she wants and she can get it at home.
Luckily you can still live vicariously through your next child!
RSF - I wish that my son had the same level of maturity that your daughter has with this issue. There are so many times where I think that he is trying to gauge what we want and look to us for guidance when our guidance is “do what you know is best for you…”
I think that she is a very bright future ahead with her approach to life.
@heartburner Your son is normal.
It’s tough when a teenager is strong-willed (to parents) with limited information whereas he can be much easily swayed by his peers. ;(
My sons were Waitlisted for 2015, so they will be attending LPS. They had originally been gung-ho about reapplying for 10th grade, but I am concerned that peer pressure will make them drag their feet - or not want to leave. Very hard to explain to 14 year olds what they might be missing in the big picture.
On the other hand, a typical high school might make them certain they need/want more, as it did my daughter. Could go either way.
It was a challenging process to get DD (who was wait listed last year and reapplied this year) to 1) reapply and 2) make the decision to leave her LPS. It is hard once they get involved, make friends, etc.
Did she, dreamcatcher??
@Britmom5 I think dreamdaugher will be joining Loomis in the fall.
Wonderful! Thanks, payn4ward. I’m out of touch!
no problem I was updating the Parents Resource thread so found that out.
@ Britmom5… yep, payn4ward is right… she did
Quick update on DD. Six weeks into the school year and the choice to stay at the LPS was the right one. Not saying everything is perfect but she is happy and thriving.
After having just gone through the college admissions process with DS1 and the BS process with DD I’m not sure I’m emotionally ready for BS process with DS2. He is very very enthusiastic about it and I give him credit for researching schools beyond what his big brother and big sister did. Of course I should have followed the common advice on the forum and started earlier…
Thanks for sharing @RedSoxFan18 and congratulations that the tough call is proving to be the right call , curious how did you figure out that staying in LPS was the right choice… anything specific worth sharing?
Sorry for missing your question @CaringMom11 The right call I’m referring to is letting the choice be 100% DD’s. I thought for certain the right choice was for her to attend BS. The fact is the rest of the family wanted it for her more than she wanted it for herself. I could not see it at the time but looking back the situation should have been obvious to me - DS did not even want to apply to BS when she was in 8th Grade. As a 9th grader she knew she wanted options, hence the BS applications, but a genuine desire to attend was never present. We have a great relationship and that would have been damaged forever if her mom and I “sent her away”. She is enjoying being a bigger fish in a smaller pond - for example she loves being the only sophmore in the BC Calc class and she was voted captain of the varsity soccer team. At Andover she had no chance of making the Math team and making the varsity soccer team was a coin flip. The fact that I still get to see her almost ever day is a huge bonus.
That’s cool and thanks for sharing… really glad to know that she is happy with her choice and making strides !! Happy thanksgiving !!
@RedSoxFax18 So glad your DD is thriving at her school. I know it is gratifying to know that you allowed her to make the decision for herself and it has proven to be the correct one. Kudos to you and your wife for being able to do that!
@RedSoxFan18-- I am glad that it all worked out for your very mature, bright daughter! In fact, I am going to have my 8th grade daughter, who is SO bent on attending boarding school, read through this thread. I do believe she could be in the same place as your daughter has found in her LPS (big fish in small pond). . . varsity lacrosse, all honors/AP/IB.
Lol, she can read right through to this comment!