
<p>Hello everyone, I’m a student at a community college I’m Virginia looking to transfer into The University of Alabama. I started my college career at a small private college in Pa (went small to play d3 soccer) at the private school I did decent leaving with a 3.0 GPA. I just received my final grades for my most recent semester at my CC. My GPA now sits at a 2.071 (I know complete shiet) I do know that the minimum GPA requirement to transfer into Alabama is a 2.0, I was wondering if anyone knows of or has heard of anyone being admitted as a transfer with that bare minimum GPA. I am also taking into minor consideration that I am an out of state, Hispanic/Latino I was also inducted into and still an active member of the national honor society of leadership and success at the small private college, will any of these small factors help me? Are letters of recommendation advised for someone in this situation? I am planning on applying for summer semester and will be taking 12 credits this semester at my CC. I am well above the 24 credit hour requirement as well. I have the recruiter for the state of Virginias info as well. Any good clean advice would help. I would greatly appreciate any support and real advice. Thank y’all so much, Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Are you aware that the cost of attendance for out-of-state students is nearly $40,000?</p>

<p><a href=“University of Alabama Overview | CollegeData”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Here’s some general information about transferring from one college to another:</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I’m not sure it makes sense to contemplate transferring anywhere if you’re having difficulty in your community college classes. Can you explain your thinking here?</p>

<p>I’m not having difficulty in my classes I work full time and my dad has also been deployed the last year and a half. It’s been difficult just balancing it all out. And yes I’m aware of the out of state cost, there isn’t much of an issue there. </p>

<p>@LucieTheLakie‌ thank you for the information though.</p>



<p>Will you be using your dad’s GI benefits?</p>

<p>You need to work less and concentrate on your grades.</p>

<p>No ma’am, my moms a dominant interior designer and well yea… (In no way do I mean to sound snobby). And yes I agree I quit one of my jobs and my dad is back home. I got my gpa up to that 2.071 but I am aware that it’s still low but I am confident going into this next semester it’s only 12 credits. I’m not a student who has issues with his grades, when I graduted high school I was accepted into W&M Upenn UVA and UF. However I am won’t be able to send that info in because I have above the credit limit. Do you know of anyone being accepted with my gpa as a transfer? My gpa can only go up this semester but I want to start at UA this summer because I’m already a year behind credit wise, I should be a junior this year. Again thank you for your advice! @mom2collegekids‌ </p>

<p>I think you should take more than 12 credits as long as you can handle it AND you work a LOT less…maybe 8 hours a week.</p>

<p>Of course, first off Thanks to your Dad and your family for your Dad’s service to our country. It is a sacrifice to be away from one’s family.</p>

<p>Second, I agree with M2CK, if money is not an issue, then I would take more than 12 credits, work much less, and put your nose to the grindstone to better your grades. However, I really think you need to examine your college choices. What went wrong at college #1? Did your grades suffer because of your sport? Did you decide to stop playing your sport? Was the college not a good fit for you? Now for Community College, why the big drop in your grades? Are you bored, unhappy or not motivated in your classes? Perhaps you need to rethink the type of classes you are taking, sounds like you need to study much, much more. Yes, working can get in the way of school but many motivate students work over 20 hours a week, some students work full time and consider 12 hours of classes part-time in my area (going to class at night and on weekends). A lot depends on how motivated and interested you are in your studies.</p>

<p>I think you need to take time to examine what went wrong and what you can do to set your academic record on the road to recovery before you transfer schools. exactly how many credits do you have? Are they all in general ed/ liberal arts? What do you want to major in? </p>

<p>Not every student is ready emotionally or academically for college right out of high school. </p>

<p>Whatever you decide, I think that your studies and your GPA has to be your first priority. I personally think you need to address these issues first before transferring.</p>