Hepatitis B Shots

<p>UCLA says I need them by the time I enroll in my first classes, (September 20th) but the shots are given in 3 intervals over the course of 6 months, and I have yet to take my first shot. What are they going to do to me?</p>

<p>start right away and you'll be almost done by the time school starts in 5 months...show them that you've started and you'll be done by october sometime and I'm sure they'll let it slide, but maybe you should call or email and explain the situation and see what they have to say.</p>

<p>How come you didn't get that when you were little? I had the Hep B series when I was like 4 or 5</p>

<p>Yea I did have the shots when I was little, but I never finished them for whatever reason.</p>

<p>if I had the shots taken when I was small, how do you proof it??</p>

<p>you should have an immunization record that you can show them...if not, call your doctor's office and they can print one out for you</p>

<p>Weren't the first few Hep B shots required to attend middle school or high school? Forgot...</p>

<p>yeah they were required...my doctor wrote the wrong dates on my records and I was hassled every single year about it by the school nurses...they kept wanting me to re-do my shots...I hope I don't have to go through that again</p>

<p>Anyone know what I should do if the healthcare provider that gave me my shots went out of business years ago? I have the dates that I received the shots listed on my high school transcript, but I can't provide the phone number/location of the provider since it doesn't exist anymore.</p>

<p>the doctor that you are with now should have them on file. Everything is computerized, so you should just be able to ask your hospital and they can access your records.</p>