<p>Thanks partly to Columbia University we are getting socialism. Thoughts?</p>
<p>Why is Columbia responsible for massive corporate debt that the Bush Administration felt called to burden the American populous with?</p>
<p>I certainly hope that people like you won’t be populating the Columbia student body. If you were smart enough to read the news, you would realize that Obama has continuously supported centrist policies and does not represent a major shift in policy, especially in the international arena.</p>
<p>“Thanks partly to Columbia University we are getting socialism. Thoughts?”</p>
<p>yeah damn us, stupid university and it’s 19 presidents, all bloody conspiring to put this inept man in office, the whole Columbia institution is responsible for his devious non-free-market tendencies, he must be obsessed with controlling the economy, as is columbia and its oppressive ideology. It’d be sheer providence if anything good comes from his presidency. Damn those poor people, damn them, the university of Havana North should be shut down once and for all.</p>
<p>how did you get in here man? how are you still here!</p>
<p>I’m not sure how I got in. I’m totally dumb and know nothing. By the way what do you think will happen when we nationalize our banks?</p>
<p>We have no plans to nationalize our banks. </p>
<p>(“Bank of America” is just a fictitious name, not a business strategy)</p>
<p>i can’t tell if this is a joke or not…nicely done.</p>
<p>why is it that obama’s politics have apparently become code for socialism?</p>
<p>glad you got something figured</p>
<p>and you’re a funny guy too.</p>
<p>Bank of America isn’t nationalized? I thought it was. Silly me I think literally all the time, so it was hard for me to distinguish that nuance between “Bank of America” and Bank of America. </p>
<p>So when Barack signs the Employee Free Choice Act, is that centrist? What about when Barack said he would “bankrupt our coal industry,” is that centrist? I didn’t start this thread to attack Columbia; there are very many things that are great about the place. But Barack happened to be educated there, and I think it is totally fair to talk about him and the effect that our university will have on this country. I’m sorry if I’ve offended your god.</p>
<p>just as Socgen caused that trader to lose 5 Billion of theirs, perhaps we should blame his school also no? bush left with an approval rating of 25%, God, Yale must be a shtty school. Yale should be held accountable for his mistakes right? and yale is to be rewarded for his successes also right? </p>
<p>how do you fail to see that educating someone does not make the organization accountable for the persons decisions and actions?. Obama went to columbia 25 years ago, it served as a stepping stone to help him achieve his aspirations, it didn’t brainwash him to implement the policies he currently is, and if it did, he’s had 25 years to think about it. This thread is beyond stupid, your political arguments don’t belong on a college admissions forum, and linking a politician’s decisions to his/her university 2.5 decades prior is especially bright of you.</p>
<p>don’t mis-characterize arguments.</p>
<p>… Don’t have kids, kay?</p>
<p>So, I have Columbia to thank? Because I’m pretty psyched about the socialism m’self! =D</p>
<p>Squaregirl, yup Maybe we’ll get a EuroDisney too! Wouldn’t that be a reversal to write a paper about!</p>
<p>the guy who nationalized the banks went to Yale, not Columbia</p>
<p>The unfortunate reality of this thread is that the vast majority of you are unlikely to have any idea of what socialism, as a political philosophy, actually constitutes. <em>sigh</em> the misinformation of American youth…</p>
<p>well I don’t blame Columbia for it. I blame the liberal media.</p>
<p>My god, how did you get into Columbia?</p>
<p>There are oh so many levels of logic that this question simply fails, but there’s a really fundamental one: how is the university in any way responsible for the actions of its graduates decades after their education? That simply doesn’t make any sense.</p>
<p>And don’t throw around the word “socialism” if you don’t know what you’re talking about. Kthnxbye.</p>
<p>morningside, that was an elegant start you offered. It seems many did not catch on to the heavy irony. They took you literally, as if you meant Columbia is responsible in toto for all its students did. Obama won the election in a big part because of money. The extreme left ideology he had to spout during the campaign to win the nomination was to keep the left wing of the Democratic party happy. He was to the left of Mao. But during the election campaign he moved right, ended up at the center. The money bags who funded him, Soros, for example, was heavily influenced by Karl Popper, Open Society and its Enemies, and in fact is not socialist at all. From Rahm Emmanuel to Tim Geithner his picks made money off the market. In 3 brisk days he has betrayed many of his campaign promises. Not one of his security team opposed the Iraq war. He has retained Gates. He has not closed Gitmo. He has made yet another campaign promise, to close it in a year. He has not proclaimed he would abide by the Army field manual on interrogations. He has said he would appoint a commission to study the practice. Warrantless eavesdropping continues as we speak because of the FISA exception. He will end rendition, which incidentally was Clinton’s program not Bush’s but he is considering prisons within the US. On the campaign he said he would withdraw from Iraq in 2009, I believe and now that is pushed back.</p>
<p>The guy is no great orator. For great oratory listen to Martin Luther King Jr or JFK or Reagan. He is an OK writer. For great speeches read Kennedy, both inaugural and the American University speech. Also Lincoln second inaugural. Above all, read Pericles. Obama is bright. He has a good temperament. Nothing else.</p>
<p>We elected him because we had not put away “the childish things” and projected our adolescent hopes on youth and looks. Look around and see how this society venerates the young and kicks the old. That’s what has happened in this election. The youngest male won.</p>