Go Bama Go?

<p>Based on CNN reports it seems that Obamas got this one in the bag.</p>

<p>Obama is leading McCain, about 207 to 95, and the big western states (heavily democratic) aren't in yet.</p>

<p>Hurrah for the first Columbia undergrad graduate to become US President?</p>

<p>Theodore Roosevelt? or was he not undergrad?</p>

<p>Go Obammmaaa!!!</p>

<p>Did Roosevelt actually graduate? I’m not sure now that I think about it. Is Obama like the 2nd or 3rd president from CU?</p>

<p>Seems to be pretty much over now. McCain lost so many key states. America’s first African American president! w00t</p>

<p>yep, even Spec says Obama is the first CU undergrad graduate to become prez</p>

<p>[Barack</a> Obama Is First Columbia College Alumnus Elected to Presidency | Columbia Spectator](<a href=“http://www.columbiaspectator.com/node/56644]Barack”>http://www.columbiaspectator.com/node/56644)</p>

<p>annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnyways, off to school with blood shot eyes and a god forsaken essay.</p>



<p>Big deal… the likes of Whittier College, Eureka College and Southwest Texas State all produced presidents before Columbia has.</p>

<p>Well Columbia produced John Jay, first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, as well as Alexander Hamilton, who was just plain amazing. No need to compete for the title of having a President as an alumnus (not to belittle Obama’s accomplishment at all) when you have John Jay and Alexander ****ing Hamilton as your alumni.</p>

<p>Go obama!!! =)</p>

<p>“No need to compete for the title of having a President as an alumnus (not to belittle Obama’s accomplishment at all) when you have John Jay and Alexander ****ing Hamilton as your alumni.”</p>

<p>Just putting it out there. Hamilton was rejected from Princeton because he did not pass the Latin exam. No hard feelings, Lions. =D</p>

<p>Well considering that the only Founding Father that Princeton produced was Madison, and considering how both Hamilton and Jay turned out, does that not prove the superiority of Columbia? Hamilton accomplished arguably more than Madison did, especially during the Washington years, and would have been president had he not been born off of US soil. Jay was the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, which speaks for itself.
I’m such a history geek 8-B</p>

<p>Hamilton accomplished more than Madison? Madison only drafted the Constitution and was actually President. Small accomplishments indeed…</p>



<p>This struck me as wrong, and wiki tells me that John Witherspoon (one of the signers) was a Princeton president. I’m sure there are others.</p>

<p>FYI. This email went out to alums:</p>

<p>Dear Columbian,</p>

<p>Yesterday’s election was historic, of course, and all of us who have graduated from Columbia have special reason for excitement. We note with pride that Barack Obama '83CC will be not only the first African-American but also the first Columbia degree-holder to occupy the Oval Office.</p>

<p>At Columbia we think continually about our role in helping to prepare remarkable men and women for leadership. With one alumnus, David Paterson '78CC, now serving as Governor of New York and another elected to the nation’s highest office, we are reminded of the University’s core commitment to public service and its tradition of producing outstanding leaders for our nation and our world.</p>

<p>You can read more about President-elect Barack Obama and Columbia in this Columbia news announcement. Whatever our political inclination, we can all take pride in having a Columbian in the White House.</p>

<p>All the best,</p>

<p>Lee C. Bollinger '71LAW

<p>Here is a link to the magazine article [Columbia</a> News Announcement](<a href=“http://www.columbia.edu/cu/news/08/11/obama.html]Columbia”>http://www.columbia.edu/cu/news/08/11/obama.html)</p>

<p>Oh, Princeton clearly trumphs Columbia in this fight. Alexander ****ing Hamilton, you say? Aaron Burr (Princeton '1772) did a pretty good job of showing him who was boss :-o</p>

damn straight. lol.</p>

<p>One could argue that Hamilton setting up an independent banking system ended up more meaningful to the future of the country than James Madison’s relatively insignificant presidency.</p>

<p>The Federalist Papers and his work before and during the Constitutional Convention, of course, weigh heavily in that decision, but…</p>

<p>…but hey, waittaminute, you’re a Princeton guy, Location: Princeton NJ, coming in to a Columbia board to talk shlt about our new President who happens to be an alum of ours? Screw you, dude. If you can’t say something nice, at least go say it in your own board.</p>

<p>“Screw you, dude. If you can’t say something nice, at least go say it in your own board.”</p>

<p>Grow up. </p>

<p>I didn’t come here to talk s***. I never even mentioned Obama or badmouth Columbia in any way. </p>

<p>Perhaps you are uninformed about James Madison’s accomplishments. He wrote the Constitution. He even led us in the War of 1812, which some call the second “War of Independence”.</p>

<p>I came to this board, for the most part, to see how Columbians reacted to Obama’s win.</p>

<p>Guys, chillax, it’s just an online forum, and it was supposed to be all in good fun…or at least I intended my posts to be. I apologize if they came across otherwise, tone doesn’t translate well over the internet.</p>

<p>Though I can’t resist pointing out that James Madison did not WRITE the Constitution. While he may have been one of the biggest contributors, what he did was a far cry from actually writing it. Oh, yes, Madison getting us involved in that War of 1812? Which we would have lost to the British, had Napoleon not succeeded in distracting the British over in Europe?</p>

<p>I feel the need to add =P =P =P =P =P to emphasize that this is intended to be fun, not inflammatory.</p>




<p>And we got involved in that Second World War… Which we may very well have lost to the Germans, had the Russians not succeeded in distracting the Germans over on the Eastern Front.</p>

<p>Madison also let Washington and the White House get burned. He probably didn’t play Risk enough as a kid.</p>