why does everyone drink the Obama kool-aid?

<p>Let's face it guys- Obama smooth-talked his way into the presidency- he's a nice guy and all, but he never really did anything to warrant his "fairy-tale" ascension to the nation's chief executive spot...</p>

<p>12 years at the U of C with no publications, except two self-indulgent pseudo-autobiographies... it is puzzling that "hope and change" worked so effectively- even "Yes we can" is lifted from Cesar Chavez; indeed, it IS all about him.</p>

<p>It's quite amusing that people everywhere around campus and the UWS still have Obama pins attached to their jackets... Krugman himself called it dangerously close to a cult of personality back in February. </p>

<p><a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/11/opinion/11krugman.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/11/opinion/11krugman.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>because the kool-aid might end up tasting better than cheneys bedpan p**s. we are all hoping here…</p>



<p>Not gonna lie; it frightens me that you’re allowed to vote. </p>

<p>And in other news; this is a board about Columbia. Not a place to ***** and moan your political opinion about Obama. Otherwise it’s gonna be a long 8 years (yes, 8). So in the eternal words of Liz Lemon; Shut it down.</p>

<p>Every try Kool-Aid? It tastes good.</p>

<p>I suggest that everyone let this thread die. You DO NOT feed ■■■■■■. They will go away when they don’t get a reaction.</p>

<p>Fastfood- thanks for the advice. Don’t be so quick to marginalize people and project your views on others. By the way, you aren’t even in college yet. Remember that.</p>

<p>It is true the Obama became editor-in-chief at the student newspaper without ever writing an article…can you say handout…seriously something smells fishy there…so when the OP said no publications, it extends a lot further back than you might think…and one of his books sounds strikingly similar to one that his friend Ayers wrote—someone did a plagiarism study on it…so many nautical terms and stuff that Obama would never use: </p>

<p>[Nautical</a> metaphors could sink Obama](<a href=“WorldNetDaily”>WorldNetDaily)</p>

<p>Wow haha so your one of those people that aren’t inspired if there aren’t any bombings or unintelligent VP nominations involved well I feel sorry for you because Obama is one of the smartest men in America and he is giving the nation hope some G.W. never did. I feel really sorry for you and excuse me? never did anything?
What Sarah Palin ever do, build a bridge to nowhere? Maybe missed out on first grade geography you know when we learned Africa was a Content (by the way she’s the women that could have become PRESIDENT!) No your right Obama, getting degrees from two IVY league schools and being a community organizer, teaching constitutional law and being editor of the harvard law review? pshh yeah no your right he didn’t do anything.
He for sure smooth talked his way into this don’t you just hate it when having a World Class education keeps people from sounding like uneducated hicks I know i do.
Well I hope you’ll come around because he’s gotten more done in the time he’s been Commander in chief than G.W. (who took about a third of his presidency off) EVER DID</p>

<p>CoffeeAddict, the Harvard Law Review is not a student newspaper. It is one of a handful of the most influential journals of legal analysis in the world, cited by lawyers and judges at all levels. And he was the CEO.</p>

<p>okay—if it is so much more prestigious than a meager student newspaper, than how could anyone become the CEO without ever writing a single article???</p>

<p>The articles in a law review range in complexity from term-long academic papers to graduate school theses to tenure- and career-creating studies from professors. At Harvard (at least in the dark ages), the top students from the first-year class become “staff” members for second year. Staff members write “notes” (relatively short articles of legal analysis), edit and operate the journal. At the end of second year, the staff members and outgoing editors elect the new “editors,” who serve during their third and final year at the law school, often putting in 40-80 hours/week on top of their classroom obligations. Editors screen submissions from law professors and judges from all over the country (and the world), “supervise” the staff, and edit everything (including submissions from world-renowned law professors). To become editor-in-chief of the Harvard Law Review is tantamount to being selected as one of a handful of the best young legal scholars in the nation.</p>


this be true.</p>


and yet, despite not having the wisdom that age may have conferred on you… he’s right.</p>

<p>“remember that.” Really? What’s that supposed to mean, that he should know his role and not talk back to his elders? Do you also tell women to get back in the kitchen and make you some pie?</p>

<p>It is pretty sad that he is already being treated as a god by many. It is a cult, literally, and it’s leaders are the media. Can we let him run his term before we declare him to be the greatest thing ever? That’s all I ask.</p>

<p>Obamania! </p>

<p>I don’t approve of it, and I don’t see why people think he’s basically the Messiah. I’ll give him that he has charisma, but he needs to be put under as much scrutiny as anybody else.</p>

<p>Everything Obama has said and continues to say resonates completely with what I’ve been thinking and saying for eight long years. Every one of my friends and colleagues feels the same way.</p>

<p>The OP makes it sound like we had a million eligible candidates and we all elected the least desirable. </p>

<p>It was Obama versus McCain, I didn’t feel like letting another good ol’ boy run the country for another 8 years. The last one ruined the most prosperous nation in modern history.</p>

<p>“The last one ruined the most prosperous nation in modern history.”</p>

<p>This be true. </p>

<p>Instead of using Obama as a veil for Columbia-bashing why don’t you people focus on something else for oh, I don’t know, the next three months and then see what change B.O. has wrought? No use speculating on semi-complete circumstantial evidence: like the argument about Gitmo in another thread. It’s a prison, people, not an evil book Obama can toss into the fire and be done with. It’s going to take time to shut down. And it’s not going to happen overnight. Sheesh.</p>

<p>limetime are you kidding me?</p>

<p>he’s been under twice as much scrutiny as any other candidate in the election. Are you serious? He was way past what one would consider to be a ideal candidate or even a perfect one.
He has had far more criticism than anyone. I mean Sarah Palin really?
the fact that someone would ever THINK that should could lead this nation is like in need of a reality check.
Sure I think she has potential to be a lot of things but president or even vice president not even kind of.</p>

<p>how can you think Obama gets like a free pass. He hasn’t had a free pass in his life. He has earned where he is today because he’s worked hard and he is brilliant.</p>

<p>are there things I don’t like him? very few but yes<br>
but he is an INCREDIBLE man
and you should be proud to call him your president</p>

<p>Might it possibly have something to do with the idea that Obama is smarter, more pragmatic, less parochial and likely to be far more effective in implementing successful policies than our last President? Just a hunch . . .</p>

<p>They drink it because the media tell us it’s good.</p>