Here's to a Great Year!

<p>malanai - :)</p>

<p>me too.</p>

<p>paisley doesn’t know when her school starts either. surprise!</p>

<p>I would like to thank everyone who says good luck and best wishes because I don’t know why but it seriously means a lot to me so thanks:) have a good year</p>

<p>Wow! There are 6 girls in an ECE class? I remember the first day of each class as trying to find at least one other girl. More often than not, it was just me.</p>

<p>“Crap, I forgot mybama user name” I received that text at 10am and I think his first class is at 8am on Wed! :sweat_smile:
Roll Tide! Here’s to another amazing year at Bama!</p>

<p>My S got the am and pm on his alarm clock backwards, so he just about missed his 8 AM class. < Sigh > At least he called me to have a laugh about it. This is improvement over last year.</p>

<p>NOTE TO SON: Go over to ECE 121, 9 am class. There are SIX GIRLS in that class!</p>

<p>I know son is so thankful that I am not there on campus, or I’d be taking a LAST FIRST DAY OF CLASS picture for sure!</p>

<p>Congratulations to all of you, and hope all of your kids have a great year!</p>

<p>I’m glad to hear that everyone’s students are having a great first day of classes. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>My DS is ecstatic that his first class on MWF doesn’t start until noon and first class T-Th starts at 11am. Gotta love those Honors classes. No excuse to ever be late, lol.</p>

<p>My son is disappointed that most of his classes are in the afternoon. He much prefers morning classes.</p>

<p>No call from home here, not even a temptation to do so. We’ve spent 18 years raising that boy, he’s ready…now it’s on him. Got a txt this afternoon asking for $$ in the account to buy a few books and a thumbs up, he loves his classes.</p>

<p>Texas A&M Class of 1984. Mechanical Engineering. 250 graduates. I was 1 of 3 girls. Sounds like the ratio is improving!</p>



<p>OMG, Montegut! Hilarious!!!</p>

<p>D loved her second first day. Seems her English instructor is from Boston and a Bruins fan…he started talking Boston, and hockey and she just raised her hand. When he called on her she said "I’m from Chicago…how’d you like those last 17 seconds’! </p>

<p>Lord that child is going to get an F in that class for sure. Professor laughed and they talked for 15 minutes about Chicago and Boston. I LOVE that the professors at UA are so down to earth and accessible.</p>

<p>My DS said the same thing about his History instructor. She commented on his Northern accent and asked where he was from. When he said he was born in the Bronx, she laughed and said “don’t they call the Bronx, da boogey down Bronx”. He laughed and agreed. He told her he was working very hard to establish a southern accent but wasn’t progressing well short of saying y’all a lot. They both laughed, DS said she was very down to earth and personable, not at all what he expected from a college professor. He said it put him at ease.</p>