Woo hoo another semester in the books

<p>I am stunned to report that S made the President’s List for the first time & even threw in an A+ for good measure. Didn’t want to be the first to post or brag but I couldn’t help myself. It’s hard keeping up with the great students here on CC. Although several have graduated this year, so y’all have got to pick up the slack.
Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Congratulations to your son, LD!</p>

<p>Congrats idinct…!!..our son pulled another Presidential performance as well…very proud of all of these bright young men and women…! It’s an amazing journey to witness…!</p>

<p>We must engineer a meet-up with these paragons so that our freshmen can meet these fine gentlemen…that can happen, right?</p>

<p>Oh, and GREAT JOB, ROLL TIDE!!!</p>

<p>Congrats to you and your son, Idinct!!! It is so hard to contain the excitement when they do so well at such an wonderful University. My DD completed her freshmen year with a double appearance on the Presidential list and made ambassador for the College of Arts and Sciences. I couldn’t be prouder. :slight_smile: In her words, “I didn’t survive my freshmen year, I THRIVED!” Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>Congrats to all the talented parents and their as equally talented offsprings, my son’s first year has exceeded his expectations and ours, ROLL TIDE Y’ALL!</p>

<p>Count us in as another family who had a freshman year that exceeded all expectations!! DS has said that he feels more comfortable at Bama than he ever felt in H.S. great to know that a large part of the reason is getting to spend time with the other talented kids from the folks on this board.</p>

<p>@TX - As a parent of a STEM son I welcome the chance for any social happenings. Seems he is much more interested in spending his extra time in the lab doing research. If I remember correctly my research interests at that age did not include any lab time. Of course that could help to explain the difference in sons and my general GPA’s. :)</p>

<p>Congrats LD, you must be soooo proud! :)</p>

<p>Congrats to the D family and to the others who’ve done so well! :)</p>

<p>Thanks everyone, we are all very happy. Congrats to y’all for the good results, especially the freshman. S’s freshman year wasn’t the best. Onward & upward & Roll Tide.</p>

<p>DS made President’s List, too – second time. He says it’s because he’s in an “easy major” (History and Classics), as opposed to engineering, physics, and other super-hard STEM majors. (A lot of his friends are in STEM majors.) LOL. Self-deprecating kid. We are very proud of him, needless to say. Proud of all our UA students. ROLL TIDE!!!</p>

<p>Idinct – I think just adjusting to college during freshman year is an achievement in itself! Congrats on this year’s successes. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Congratulations to all who had a successful year.
DS also excelled and will be on Presidents list again this semester.</p>

<p>Just noticed that Degree Works is up to date with Spring 2013 grades updated and GPAs calculated, too. Very timely this semester, compared to last. :)</p>

<p>Deans list in the fall! Presidents list in the spring! Sooooooo proud! Sooooooo blessed!</p>

<p>It is interesting to me to see how many MORE kids are on the deans/pres list this past Fall over previous years. Yes, there are more students enrolling…but these are also high-achieving students, as is witnessed by the dramatic increase of their #s on the list. Here is the link so you can see it: [University</a> of Alabama News » Dean?s List](<a href=“http://uanews.ua.edu/tag/deans-list/]University”>http://uanews.ua.edu/tag/deans-list/)
8561 in Fall 2012…7267 in Fall 2011. Spring 2013 won’t be up there until another month, probably.</p>



<p>D is majoring in History and Math. So far she has found her history classes to be much harder, or at least to grade much harder, than her math and even her CBH classes. She definitely isn’t finding History to be easy! It might be partly from jumping right into 3XX level classes as a frosh. Hopefully it will settle down next year. Dean’s list for her but we are very proud of how hard she worked. Plus, she’s super excited to get hired on to the Crimson White!</p>

<p>Kudos to your son, LadyD! He is not giving himself enough credit. :)</p>

<p>Congrats! The Crimson White!!!</p>