Hey all who had a horrible hs gpa, awesome sats, and have 3.5+ GPA in college

<p>This is my situation. My gpa in hs was a 2.X i forget. I got a 1330 on my sats the first time, but a 1490 the second time in 2003 i think (this was out of 1600). It has been nearly 6 years since hs. I am now wanting to transfer with a 3.7 gpa with tons of honors classes. I am now vp of a club, and part of ptk and ags(in cali) and part of the honors program. I go to a community college and have the honors director on my side hopefully=P. I already did my uc apps, but i wanna go back east. What do you think my chances are for top 25 schools with such a damaging hs record? Also, I couldnt stay in one state during my college career bc of my parents who are jerks and moved around a lot and didnt want to pay for a dime for my education. Now i have been in cali for 1 year tho with one cc as my main bulk of credits. How do you think that will hurt me? Since I am going to be a Cali res (in May) and am in the HTP and Club Cal, I know my school<em>s HTP has a 92% transfer admissions rate to UCLA and somewhere of 66% to Berkeley, so I know those are shoe ins. But I want so badly to go home!! I am thinking Cornell (human ecology PAM program), gtown (SFS STIA), UVA (I am a va resident at this moment so maybe itll be cheap), and what about Penn and other ivies?
Thanks everyone. Plz no *u suck</em> comments, just be normal.</p>

<p>aaaah paragraphs my head hurts</p>

<p>what did you do after hs? what is your history of colleges that you attended and what was your gpa at those institutions</p>

<p>I think that since you have been out of HS for so long it wont matter as much, especially with the SAT scores showing that you definitely have the ability. </p>

<p>I had a 2.54 GPA in HS with a 2100/2400 on my SAT, 700+ on three SAT II’s, 3 5’s and 2 4’s for AP exams, barely got into a UC (had to appeal) where I managed a 3.95 GPA and am now applying to Berkeley. </p>

<p>I think that you stand a good chance for UCLA/CAL if your pre-reqs are done and an even better one at UVA if you are still a VA resident. Cornell might be difficult but I would also give that a shot for sure</p>

<p>i pmed u 124656789</p>

<p>Hey Canescans. I got a B, my only B out of 19 units this semester, in one of the major prep courses. (Totally unfair, I got an 89, but I got 95s on every single thing throughout the class, but the final which we turned in the last day of class, apparently earned a really bad grade that it brought me down to an 89. )
Did you have any Bs in Major prep? Does appealing matter? What evidence did u have to appeal? I am dead scared bc of the B in Brit lit.</p>

<p>I appealed when I was rejected as a HS Senior to my current UC campus. I presented compelling information that they didn’t see in application (AP scores, SAT II scores, and a personalized essay describing what classes I wanted to take when I was accepted, mentioned that I was turning down a scholarship to an out of state institution, etc.) Appealing is the absolute last ditch effort to get into a school and I think its only possible at public institutions and only after you have been rejected. </p>

<p>I did not have an B’s in the prep for my major (Near Eastern Civilizations) because there were no prep courses offered at my UC or neighboring CC campuses and to my knowledge since the major is very obscure it does not require prep prior to attending UC B at all. I was satisfying the UC-UC reciprocity agreement and then filling other classes with upper division history and art history classes because its as close as I could get to the content of my intended major and the analytical writing and art theory that I learned will let me hit the ground running. </p>

<p>Realistically speaking, a B in a prep course will probably hurt you relative to the applicants who got A’s, but in the grand scheme of things its not really going to matter all that much. I’d rest easy if I were you, and take a look at [University</a> of California: StatFinder](<a href=“http://statfinder.ucop.edu/statfinder/default.aspx]University”>http://statfinder.ucop.edu/statfinder/default.aspx) to see what your odds at Cal and LA are.</p>