Hey guys chance my girlfriend please

<p>hm well shes white female from southern california
her 9 - 12 gpa is a 3.4 but her 10 - 12 gpa is 3.1 but i guess according to a-g courses it might be lower cuz she had to take pe all 4 years since she was in cheer leading.
she got a 1590 on sat ( combined was 1060 math + crt reading ) 24 on act.
her ec’s are captain of cheer leading, asb officer for four years, dance team member for four years.
she has done over 200+ hours of community service volunteering for csf and key club. she has also volunteered at retirement home for 3 years.
so how likely is it that she gets in?</p>

<p>she has also taken ap's throughout highschool</p>

<p>shes fine (10 chars)</p>

<p>sure man cuz i checked avg gpa entering this school on the factbook and it said 3.4</p>

<p>she told me she has a 2.7 uw 10-12 gpa 2.9 w gpa for 10-12 both excluding PE . uw not weighing ap classes.
also she ranks for 9-12 at 26th percentile of her 810 ppl class. 10-12 she ranks 26 percentile out of the 810 ppl class. r her chances looking bleak for admission for an out of stater into u of a?</p>

<p>hmm bumpp</p>

<p>i got a 3.2 w gpa, if my school ranked i wuda been like 60th percentile. and im in the honors college.</p>

<p>oh my god..okay there is no way it can be that easy to get into this college! isnt this college supose to be really good because rite now this college is starting to sound like arizona state rather than university of arizona</p>

<p>In, Good Luck</p>

<p>az state its like 2.0 that gets u in. here its 3.0 that gives u a chance</p>

<p>well she only has a 2.7 uw and 3.0 w for 10-12 so maybe she got some kind of chance uh oh i hope she gets in eek</p>

<p>she seems to have good Ec's so that should help her even if her GPA is on the borderline. I'd say in</p>

<p>Trust me, I have worst stats than her, and I got in. I am an In-State student, but I'm sure it's not much harder for an out-of-state student to get in.</p>

<p>If she hasn't already been accepted she probably will be. UA is pretty easy on admissions but tough on honors college (3.8 uw GPA) and the courses. </p>

<p>Side Thought: Why doesn't she post for herself?</p>

<p>yea she got accepted</p>