Hey Guys!! What do u think?

<p>Hopefully i can get more responses for my buddy this time!
PE Bowling:A/A
World History(accl):A/A
Symphonic Band:A/A
Spanish 3:A/A
Chemistry:C/....D+ but he retook it and got an A...So i guess it's a C/A(will the UC's be glad that she retook it?)</p>

Jazz band:A/A
Math Analysis(Honors):B/B
AP Us HIstory:A/A
Symphonic Band:A/A
Spanish 4(Honors):A/A

<p>So will the UC's be happy with her upward trend. She is an African-American Senior that is really interested in UCB/UCLA/UCSD/UCD/UCI/UCSB/UCSC. SHe really wants to go to UCB(after she went to cal band day on saturday) but is worried about her D+..and she know's that being african-american probably wont help much. Oh her test scores are as follows:
Sat 1:1260
Sat II: 760 Us History, 600 Math IIC, 660 Writing.
She has a lot of EC's...i listed them in the old post. Oh and also do u think that if she applied as a poli sci/history major that would help her since she is strong in history? Well any response will be greatly appreciated. Oh and her UW GPA is a 3.6499999 and her W is 3.9285713</p>

<p>Chances at these schools, in my humble opinion:</p>

UCI...Very Good
UCSB...Very Good

<p>Hope this is of use to you. Good luck.</p>

<p>Actually being african-american does help quite a bit. Not as much as being hispanic but it will do something.</p>

<p>Oh I thought with that new prop 209 thing that race wasnt going to be a factor in the admissions process</p>


<p>It's not supposed to be but it still is.
I think UCSB would be a good match. Cal Poly's would also be good matches.
In my opinion because she's African-American she could have a good shot at something like UCSD.
Depending how much UCLA and UCB favor African-Americans, she might be accepted, but otherwise the grades and Sat scores aren't high enough for those schools.
But these are just my opinions.</p>

<p>Thanx. ya i agree her soph. yr really *****ed her up</p>


Good chances.
I got a D+ as sophomore in chemistry also. This year is hectic for me though, senior year. . .
hey, what's up?</bump></p>

<p>Hey wassup Tongo! You finally got onto the new board.</p>

<p>Where r u @ Tongos?</p>

<p>I thought UCs don't have a space for race so it cannot be taken into consideration</p>

<p>Ya i was thinking that too. BUt i also read that they were going to find a way to admit more african-americans for fall of 05 and 06.</p>


<p>IDK what courses on there count for her UC GPA..So idk what it is.</p>


<p>hey cali! this time i will stay on. I have a question about the ucs,
i've been slacking off in my english and art classes in senior year, do colleges (especially the ucs like UCSD) take into account senior grades (first semester) when making their decisions of whether your admitted or not?</p>

<p>Well i think the UC's look at it and basically just make sure your not getting D's or F's. Like i think you're suppose to maintain like a 3.0 or something like that. Tongos what are your stats?</p>

<p>GPA- 3.9 - makes me in the top ten percentile as of junior year
Predicting Senior GPA: 3.5 for first semester
SAT score!: 710M, 430V hopefully in december: 800M/500V
AP tests (that im putting): 5-calc, 4-chem, 2-bio
SAT iis in january: math iic (likely an 800), chemistry (700-800) writing (500-600)
tutor math calculus/physics/chemistry
math club
This won't matter but I'm hoping on making the USAMO this year. </p>

<p>so if i get the SAT score that i want for december and i have that GPA, what are my chances at these schools
UCSD- which is where i really want to go.<br>

<p>Thanks!!!!!!! Cali!!!!!</p>

<p>Wow you have a 3.9!!! With your retake..? Well that's really good. Hopefully you'll get in at UCSD and the rest...GL!</p>