<p>Anybody studying languages at Rochester?</p>
<p>Anybody doing the writing program?</p>
<p>Anybody studying computer science?</p>
<p>What can you guys tell me? What things are good about the prgrams? what things are bad about them?? Thanks for y'all's help!</p>
<p>Everyone does the writing program. Most people think it's retarded (Well CAS 105 the other ones are far more interesting).</p>
<p>If you want to talk to someone who is taking a language, my D'lion partner is a French major and if you would like to talk to her, please contact me.</p>
<p>computer science is pretty interesting from what I've seen so far. The theoretical courses are probobly more interesting than than the application courses which is the same between colleges. </p>
<p>Feel free to contact me for more details and what not.</p>
<p>what about other writing courses at Rochester? I am interested in studying writing (colleges have a lot of names for this: 'creative writing' 'english with writing emphasis' 'literary arts' etc...) Is there anything like this at Rochester? And if so, what are the classes like?</p>
<p>I would love to talk to your D'lion partner, if that is possible.</p>
<p>thank you so much!!</p>
<p>whoa you have the same interests as me. I want to double comp sci and english (concentrate in creative writing), and if space allows it minor in prelaw.</p>
<p>do you speak french?</p>
<p>hahaha, I dont... I speak english. I am decent at german and latin (though you don't speak latin) I would like to speak French some time in my life, though... </p>
<p>It's really nice to meet you insane_membrane. Where are you looking at for college? tell me more about yourself.</p>
<p>Nice to meet you too, idamayer. Actually its funny, but I took latin for about three years. I am a huge classics buff, love greek and roman mythology.
As for college I will be attending Rochester this fall.</p>
<p>that is so cool!! congrats!! we should trade contact info. This is my first year in latin, but I have always loved mythology. was it really hard to get into U of R? What do you know about the comp sci classes of the english/creative writing classes? hehe, this is really exciting.</p>
<p>I don't know how hard it was to get in, I know they are selective. Just write awesome essays, and I think you'll be good. Your stats are awesome.</p>
<p>I like Rochester's Comp Sci program, its very unique. I showed it to my comp sci teacher and my supervisor (i work in my school's technology department), and both agreed it was good. Thier comp sci program has four tracts, and the foundation is very broad, so you'll be in good shape for anything. When I visited I checked out thier labs. Thier visions lab is insane, and they have a lot of research done in AI. I don't know all that much about thier creative programing.</p>
<p>If you wanna talk some more, you can contact me through aim. I'll pm you my aim and email.</p>