Hi! Can you chance me please?

<p>Hi.. thanks for taking the time to read this everyone.
I'm a 3rd quarter junior and i want to see if im heading in the right direction as far as the status of the schools im currently considering....</p>

<p>Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian (Jewish)
School: one of the best public schools in CT with about 2500 students (no ranking)
GPA: about a 3.9 unweighted and about a 4.5 weighted (on an upward trend)
Courseload: one of the most rigorous possible (3 APs this year, expecting 5-6 APs next year.. ALL the rest honors or advanced honors).
Tests: I'm taking the SATs in March but i got a 2180 on the PSATs (99 percentile)</p>

before high school: John's Hopkins Center for Talented Youth program and Summer program
3rd place at the Connecticut Science Fair
7 awards from middle school at graduation
I've been in National Charity League (NCL) for 4 years (8th grade to present) (recording secretary one year) (its a national philathropy program where mothers and daughters take part in about 50 yearly hours of charity work)
9th grade:
Reporter for the school newspaper
Math tutor at local library over summer
digital video course over summer at IDtech camps
10th grade:
Chemistry Club
Formed Ridgefield Music and Art Center (RMAC) with 3 friends (we're raising 1 million dollars to build an art center in town for teens) (secretary)
Team Captain for Relay for Life team (raised 1800 dollars for American Cancer Society)
Had a piece of art in local museum
Taught 2 hrs a week at synagogue teaching kids Hebrew
4 awards from the high school (excellence in Spanish III, excellence in service to the chemistry club, excellence in english honors, achievement in art foundation)
Biology course at Brown University over the summer
summer immersion spanish program at my school over the summer
11th grade:
Helped revive the Roots and Shoots environmental club at our school (currently VP)
one of 4 high schoolers to attend RACE, a commitee to discuss the environmental problems in the school system
composed numerous audios for father's web art pieces
Taught 2 hrs a week at synagogue for 1/2 the year
Currently working 14 hrs/week at a local inn at the front desk</p>

<p>I'm probably forgetting some stuff but you get the general notion...</p>

<p>right now i have visited about 7 schools and my favorites have been:
Georgetown (love)
George Washington
im also interested in:
Carnegie Mellon
Princeton (love.. i know its a reach)
Washington University in St. Louis...</p>

<p>It'd be great if you guys could chance me on any of these schools...
Any comments are much appreciated.
thanks again!</p>

<p>You have the grades and the test scores. I think you'll get into all the schools except for WUSTL, Brown, Cornell, and Princeton. I predict a waitlist from WUSTL, this should be no surprise to you if you know about their extensive use of waitlists. Brown and Princeton are very competitive. And Cornell is a reach, albeit quite feasible. Your list is well balanced and you're likely to have wonderful choices next year.</p>

<p>thanks for the input!</p>

<p>Keep it on! Work hard and you have good chances.. maybe except Brown and Princeton</p>