<p>So I've already started a thread called M-i-d-d-l-e-s-e-x</a> hoooorraaaaah, which you should definitely check out. But this is a new thread for incoming students [and their parents], prospective applicants [and THEIR parents], and current students/teachers if they want to add their own advice. I'd be glad to answer any and all questions you may have about Middlesex, so post on here or PM me as much as you like. </p>
<p>A little background info: I'm a returning sophomore, class of 2013, and female. I applied to boarding schools after a recent [temporary- about 3 years] move to Alberta, Canada from New Orleans, Louisiana [big change, I know]. The curriculum at my new school, we discovered later, was definitely not up to our standards [that is, my standards and those of my parents]. What's more, I was generally depressed at my school by a host of factors. My parents approached me sometime in November or December about the possibility of an alternative- boarding school [there were no private schools in our area]. For the record of my financial situation, which I am sure some will have questions about- I am technically, as of this year, "full-pay". However, my parents' salary does not cover my tuition. The reason we even considered boarding schools in the first place is because my father, as an expat, receives, in addition to his salary, an education allowance that amounts to the majority of Middlesex tuition should he wish to have his child educated in his home country. So in that regard, I can't help you.
I applied to Exeter, Groton, SPS and Middlesex. I was rejected at the first two, waitlisted at the third, and, obviously, accepted at the fourth.</p>
<p>I absolutely LOVE Middlesex. </p>
<p>To new students: I can't wait for you to come!
To applicants: Good Luck!</p>
<p>are you saying that canada has higher education standards than the USA? becuase that cant be right?</p>
<p>um, no? I went to a pretty good public magnet school in the U.S. [not much funding, but very dedicated teachers and a pretty good curriculum]. My local public school in Canada wasn’t anywhere close on the curriculum, and most students didn’t care at all, so many teachers [even the good ones] had sort of given up on them. There was also no gifted or honors program of any kind. Besides, my parents just moved this spring and are moving again in a year- and moving in high school is very difficult and causes problems.</p>
<p>Izzy - I always enjoyed reading your posts. I’m really glad that you’re happy with Middlesex; it’s a fantastic school and a nice point of stability to help offset the family moves. The moral of the story is to love the school that loves you back. Once you’re in and attending, you wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.</p>
<p>izzy, Msex made a good choice. I`m applying this yr. I noticed all your schools were high tier, did you have a safety in mind if you didnt get into any on that list? Were you in the 90s on the ssat? Thanks for you sharing.</p>
<p>eukalyptus, go look up PISA or OECD education rankings… you’d be surprised to find where the US places, compared to Canada, Finland, and yes, even Latvia.</p>
<p>obviously each school differs (Andover vs… Lakewoebegone High School in Wyoming) but as a whole, nope, we’re ahead of you.
(note, i’m not pointing out individual cases, i’m pointing out the US as a whole, which might be a tad unfair considering you have like 10x our population, but that was not the point
<p>Haha… Canada is 3 times the size of the U.S. but has a population the same size as California. But back to business…</p>
<p>I did not have a safety in mind, though looking back I probably should have. I didn’t know that much about the application process when I applied, nor did I realize quite how competitive all of the schools are. I think my overall score in the SSAT was 98%.</p>
<p>Im having trouble finding the info on the PISA or OECD rankings could you drop me a link please?</p>
<p>^ [Programme</a> for International Student Assessment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Programme_for_International_Student_Assessment]Programme”>Programme for International Student Assessment - Wikipedia)</p>
<p>sorry, those were the most recent i could find … you can look on the oecd.org website but it’s the same years & same info (00, 03 and 06)</p>
<p>Reviving this old thread Izzy. I’m thinking about MX and I was wondering if MX highly regards their writers. I heard that on a thread somewhere…but I can’t remember which one.</p>
<p>please let this die. I gave away way too much personal info here, and it was a bad decision. I’m happy to answer any questions you have about Middlesex. Please PM me about them or ask them on another Middlesex thread.</p>
<p>Thank You.</p>
<p>Oh, I see what you mean Izzy(: I’ll send you a PM soon.</p>