<p>So here's my dilemma:</p>
<p>I recently took the SAT and ACT, my expected (have not received yet) scores are as follows:</p>
<p>Reading - 600
Math - 750
Writing - 650</p>
<p>Composite - 2000</p>
<p>English: 34
Reading: 35-36 (I think I aced but there's always that possibility)
Science: 36
Math: ~30 (possibly lower)</p>
<p>The main school I'm aiming for is Drexel and I think they accept both. Would they consider the 750 in math and near perfect scores on the ACT as one (like equal to sending just the ACT with a 34 on math) or differently. Also, for other colleges that only want one which should I send?</p>
<p>I am applying for Gaming Development (Computer Science).</p>
<p>Thank you.</p>