High grades, low test scores

<p>Ok, here's my issue. I'm a junior, male, Florida. My grades are good; 4.25 weighted/ 3.9 unweighted. 7 APs by graduation, 5 Dual enrolled, almost all others honors. Very good EC- selected for county leadership program, 4 years baseball, football, NHS, Collegiate studies class rep, ITS- performed at state level, 100+ hours community service. Problem is, I don't test well- 26 ACT, 1750 SAT. What are my chances? I'm visiting next week.</p>

<p>Your current test scores (ACT and SAT) are roughly comparable. These numbers fall in to the middle 50% range in recent years for admitted students. You school numbers look very good, and that will certainly help. Since you are a junior, I would really try to get your test scores up. SMU has as one of its goals to have the average SAT (M+CR) of entering students at 1250 by the year 2015. If you can improve either test score, I think you have a decent shot at admission</p>

<p>If they are looking for a 1250, I’m close, right? I’m scheduled to take both again this spring. I don’t know what it is, but when I get into the room I freeze. I forgot to say that my class rank is #13/351.</p>

<p>^^ Yes, you are, assuming the three scores of your SAT are balanced. I think the most recent entering class had an average of around 1210-1220. I got that information from a
“Presidents Message” buried in the SMU website. Obviously, the higher your score, the better your chances. Good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks. I’m excited to see SMU- next week!</p>

<p>Have a great trip! Forecast, at least through Wednesday, is highs in the mid 60’s, partly cloudy to sunny, and lows in the mid 40’s.</p>

<p>Hi Lorey. The first thing I went and looked at was the Admissions Tracker over at collegedata dot com. Go to the Class of 2013 tab, then for “view type” (upper left corner) select “Scattergram”, and set the horizontal axis to “ACT”. You’ll be able to see two acceptances whose stats are lower than yours. As the Class of 2014 tab fills up with green dots this spring, you can use that scattergram as well; it’s too early right now because only the Early Action acceptances have been recorded. </p>

<p>Apply Early Action as well. </p>

<p>And don’t forget SAT and ACT prep books; I think they’re really valuable. My own daughter used them in the fall of '09 and raised her ACT by 3 and her SAT by 240. You sound really motivated, so dig into those prep books, and after you’ve taken all those practice tests I think you’ll have a lot more confidence at the real tests.</p>

<p>You are truly very close to reaching your goal. Just focus hard on your ACT/SAT, and with some practice you should be within range, if not already. Keep it up, I know Junior year is very stressful but there are rewards at the end.</p>

<p>I visited SMU last weekend and really liked it! Now I am even more motivated to get in!</p>