High Rise Chances

<p>I'm a freshman not currently living in the high rises. For next semester, my friend and I are going to try for a one or two-bedroom double apartment in any of the three high rises. How difficult is it to get into these double apartments? Would we be better off trying for a triple or quad? We applied for a residential program but did not get in. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!!</p>

<p>You’re next best bet might be trying community living, since it comes next in housing apps before simply applying for a house change, which comes last. I don’t know how popular the doubles are–there are definitely fewer of them than triples and quads, but the demand may also be lower. Either way, chances are never good for the high rises. </p>

<p>To be honest, though, I hate the high-rises. During freshman year I never considered living off-campus, but now I can’t wait to get out. I’m living in the Radian next year (not exactly off-campus, but still not Penn-owned), mostly because I fly to Penn and I’m not interested in attempting to furnish an apartment without personal transportation; but I would still be open to other off-campus options otherwise. I find the high-rises disgusting because I can’t stand linoleum flooring. I don’t know WHY they would change from carpet to tile. It’s just horrible and not homey at all. It’s also somewhat difficult to cook because the kitchen range is tiny. And they are extremely anti-social, unless you do community-living or just happen to have fun people on your hall. I’m in a residential program and I don’t know anyone else on my hall besides my roommates, who I applied with just to get housing. It’s probably late to consider off-campus housing, but I just really hate the high-rises. I understand their appeal in that they are apartment-like, furnished, easy payment, not separate utility bills or summer sub-letting, but really…they’re gross.</p>

<p>Your chances of getting a two-bedroom double, especially for Harrison (where I am), is close to nil. You won’t get into a triple either. You’re best bet is to get four people that want to live in a 3 bedroom quad (with kitchen/LR). These are usually the only rooms left after the in-house process, especially in Harrison. </p>

<p>In contrast to CAPA, I love living in a High rise. The only parts of them that I find gross are the stair-wells from time to time. I don’t mind the tile floors that much, and I clean them anyway so I wouldn’t see them as too dirty ever. I also feel that the kitchen has adequate space to cook things in. I don’t find my hall as too anti-social at all, though that’s probably because I’m in an all-freshman residential program. </p>

<p>But yes, to the original question, to increase your chances, apply for a three-bedroom quad.</p>

<p>My daughter will be a freshman in September. Where is the best place for her to live Freshman year?</p>

<p>Depends on what she’s looking for. Most Freshman live in either the Quad or Hill. I personally wanted to stay away from both of those to have a little bit more privacy, along with the personal bathroom and a guarantee of getting into a highrise next year. </p>

<p>A brochure will come in the mail in a couple months, and around that time housing applications will start. Until then, I’d talk to your daughter about what she is looking for in housing regarding amenities, space, social scene, location, and room style. There are tons of options at Penn, and mostly everyone enjoys or at least tolerates where they end up living.</p>

<p>Thanks Fighting Quaker. She has stayed in the Quad and thought that was fine. I think she wants to meet lots of friends and be centrally located. Has any part of the Quad been renovated or is it all really old?</p>

<p>It’s old, but I wouldn’t call it VERY old. Like I said, I never lived there, but from what I gather, the room type, room size, amenities (sink) are all luck of the draw. That’s assuming you can get into the Quad in the first place, which isn’t exactly easy. The worst stories I hear from the quad come from roommate issues, which happens everywhere.</p>

<p>As far as quality of facilities (minus the bathrooms), the Quad is definitely the best of any dorm. Most, if not all, of the quad has been renovated fairly recently. Most of the rooms/hallways have wood floors (except for the linoleum in the long hallway comprising the south part of Ware, and some carpeting in Ware and Fisher). Room type and size definitely vary a LOT. Sinks are usually present in doubles, though not all. I’m pretty sure all rooms in King’s Court have sinks if that is a necessity. Hill won’t give you wood flooring or sinks, and has the smallest rooms anywhere, but Hill residents are always very close. The Quad can be very hit or miss in terms of hall bonding–because of the irregular design of the hallways, it can really affect the size and number of people in a hallway. There are some really long, typical dorm hallways in Ware (but I think they’re the worst rooms overall) that are always pretty social, and other halls can be weirdly shaped and only have a few rooms before being cut off by a door in the hallway.</p>