High school academies

Hi! I’m super stressed out about where to go for high school. At this point I’m down to choosing from the IB academy or the Governors School for the Arts. I would be going to Governors for piano which I adore but IB seems to have more of an opportunity for college. Once I go to Governors I can not be a member or IB. However if I drop out of IB I could go to Governors next year. Please help!

I have no idea about either schools, but based on what info you gave, IB sounds like a better idea simply because you have a backup plan (Governor’s) in case you don’t like it. Do what you want and do things you love, but backup plans are always great in case you change your mind!

Good luck!

Go to Governors, colleges like students who are passionate about something as opposed to those who do things just for admissions. Follow your passions.