High School Course Load ---> Nursing Major

<p>Hey, I'm going to be an upcoming senior this year (2011-2012) and I really want to be a nursing major in college. My goal would be to go to Villanova University, and eventually become a Nurse Anesthetist. </p>

<p>What should my senior course load look like? Should I take AP Bio or Physics? AP AB Calc? </p>

<p>Also, how much do college admissions take into consideration recommendations from alumni? I'm hoping the lawyer I work for (who went to Villanova) will write an excellent rec. for me.</p>

<p>Thanks for any answers!</p>

<p>When my son applied to Villanova Arts and Sciences, they didn’t even ask for a teacher recommendation. We sent one anyway. An alum reference would be nice, but I don’t think it will make a great amount of difference.</p>

<p>From what I have read, nursing schools in general want to see Physics, but AP is not necessary, because it is mainly a matter of background. For AP classes, you are much better off taking Biology or Chemistry. </p>

<p>Anatomy is also recommended by nursing schools, if it is available. Spanish is always helpful.</p>

<p>Many nursing programs recommend statistics. I don’t think calculus would be of much use.</p>

<p>Villanova is rather generous with granting AP credit, compared to similar private universities. In nursing, that probably will not allow you to graduate early, but would make the course load less burdensome. Even if you don’t get AP credit, it is easier to learn the material a second time.</p>

<p>Many nursing programs also include speech, social issues, writing and psychology in their curriculum. The more you take as a high school student, the less stressful college will be.</p>

<p>Thanks so much charlieschm for the info! Very helpful</p>

<p>I am currently a senior who was accepted into 'nova nursing :slight_smile:
my school does block scheduling, so my course load is: ap chemistry, ap us history 2, ap english, statistics honors…(of course with electives/gym/health etc)
I was basically between AP chem/bio, but decided to take chem as I felt I needed more of a background in it before college…I will not be taking the AP test as I have to take it in college anyway. (I will be taking the APUSH test, but CAPed AP english and stats h)
Definitely go for stats over calc. For your BSN you will take stats.<br>
Originally, I had ap psych on my schedule, but looking back I am SO glad I dropped…honestly the hardest class I have is chem, and it also generates the largest workload. I don’t think I would be alive if I had stayed with 4 aps first semester…Senioritis is killer, but I think I can deal for another quarter :wink: </p>

<p>For nursing, make sure you apply ASAP and EA(if possible) for every school you can. I was accepted to most of my colleges before christmas break, but a good deal of my friends have been forced to wait until April to hear back from ANY of their schools. Trust me, get the bulk of the apps (AKA get your commonapp finished) by the end of October and senior year will get a heck of a lot better.</p>

<p>my D is a senior and applied to multiple nursing schools and has been accepted to all so far including Georgetown, BC, Villanova, UMich and Pitt. She agonized over her schedule for senior year after visiting Georgetown and basically being told by an admissions person that if she did not take AP CAlc it would hurt her chances significantly. She ultimately decided against AP Calc and took AP Bio, Honors Chem(we don’t have AP Chem) Stats, AP English, AP Macro, Honors Philosophy. It was the best decision. Chem is very difficult and takes a lot of time and Calc would have killed her. </p>

<p>I agree with the last poster. Apply early and to many.</p>

<p>Good Luck</p>

<p>Thankyou both so much for your advice! I have decided to take AP Stat since it will be beneficial in the future. Congrats crider on getting accepted into Nova! That’s awesome! And Coll2011 congrats to your D for getting accepted to all those outstanding schools!</p>