<p>The parents are always more reliable.</p>
<p>I’m applying for a relatively small SAT Tutoring Service. They pay ni$ely 
For my one-page single-spaced resume, I currently have included:</p>
<li>Academics. SATs, SAT IIs, GPA, Rank, APs.</li>
<li>ECs. Half a page. </li>
<li>Community service.</li>
<p>My question is, am I missing something? or more importantly, should I leave somethings out? I mean, does the small SAT tutoring company care about my community service involvement? </p>
<p>A million thanks in advance.</p>
<p>Job experience would usually come first, then education and educational awards. Other types of awards and activities, including athletics, would be last. Only a few are needed, to add flavor. </p>
<p>What they want to see is your ability and experience in the job that's offered. Make that the focus of your application.</p>
<p>you need to emphasize why you are qualified for the job. make sure you note previous experience tutoring/instructing or leading others (does not need to be paid and does not need to be testing -- could be something else) and your experience with SAT testing.</p>
<p>Maybe add in the cover letter why you think you would be good at this job--any previous work with coaching or teaching should be emphasized, even informally helping classmates.</p>
<p>Job experience- sorted by tasks or jobs</p>
<p>Combine EC- do not list everyone seperately- for instance if youa re in band, well its not relevant, and you want to show off the areas </p>
<p>It is much more powerful to have a few EC that are deep- so see how you can consolidate like ECS togethers</p>
<p>No one wants look at a laundry list</p>
<p>Your resume should be neat clean and on one page...people that have been working for years have learned to do that</p>
<p>A cover letter is a good idea, in it be sure you are clear about what your responsibilties are, your flexibilities in hours, etc</p>
<p>Also, have a couple of recommendations lined up, probably won't need them, but being able to say, I have them, is a help</p>