High school Freshman Predictions

<p>I'm currently a high school freshman (Class of 2011) and was just wondering if any of you would be willing to give your input on some possible colleges.</p>

<p>I am definitely considering Stanford as a possibility and was just wondering if I met their criteria. If you have any predictions about possible ivy league admittance please state them. </p>

<p>Also, if you have any suggestions that may improve my odds of admittance into a prestigious college please give them.</p>

<p>Current GPA:
Unweighted- 3.8
Weighted- 4.5</p>

<p>Class Rank- Freshman, Graduating Class-2011, Total in Graduating Class-941
Unweighted 93%, top 60
Weighted- 95%, top 46</p>

<p>Currently taking one AP class which is all that is being offered. However, next year I will be taking the maximum offered once again (2-3).</p>

<p>I took the PSATs in October as a freshman with a score of 1630, 75% of college bound juniors. </p>


<p>Well, your grades are good, and you have a couple years to bump up the PSAT score for NMS and such. I've found that a lot of the bumping could be accomplished just through more experience and confidence. Without any studying, my PSATs went from 203 to 211 to 223. I also did better on my SAT a couple months after my junior PSAT. </p>

<p>Mainly just find a couple EC's that you are truly interested in and pursue them to the fullest. Showing your commitment to an activity is much easier when you actually like that activity. Don't be afraid to go out of the box for a more original after school activity. E-mail a local college professor about helping him out, or contact a local politician or city hall about doing some sort of work there. </p>

<p>On the other hand, don't get too caught up in going to college so quickly. As a junior there is already enough pressure on me, I'm glad I didn't feel it as a freshman. And remember, with schools like Stanford, they're pretty much a reach school for everyone. Don't get your hopes up too high.</p>

<p>For now, do some work on SAT/PSAT if you want in your spare time and don't worry too much about the rest but have in the back of your mind what you want to do in the next 4 years EC-wise (clubs, etc) and maybe participate if you see an opportunity that you like. Of course, keep working on GPA and school stuff. It's kind of early to tell right now because anything can happen so just try to stay less anxious and enjoy life more even though it can be tempting. :)</p>

<p>I was hoping this would be a thread asking why any rational freshman would be asking for predictions based on <em>one year</em> of statistics. You can't predict what your GPA will be two or three years from now, or if you'll have won any awards, or if you'll be elected officer of any clubs. Nobody knows, and it's silly to ask for predictions. What freshmen should be doing is simply looking at how colleges look at applicants--whether they like to see many different ECs or a couple really committed ones, etc.--not asking for blind guesses from complete strangers about where you'll get into college.</p>

<p>Keep your GPA high, try as hard as possible on the SAT (and the ACT, if the SAT doesn't work out), and do what you love. It'll show.</p>

<p>Go away and come back in a year and a half. </p>

<p>Seriously. This is the best advice you'll get. Go away, get some grades that will be more heavily considered by colleges than freshman year grades, do some extracurricular activities, take the PSAT and come back in a year and a half (junior year).</p>

<p>Go away and come back 2nd semester Junior year and ask for chances. We have NO idea what your chances are after 1 year of HS.</p>

<p>Just keep getting good grades, study for your SATs, get involved in your school and community, grab some leadership positions, develop some passions, and that's all you really can do. </p>

<p>If you do all that, you're set.</p>

<p>How do you have a 4.5 with ONE AP?</p>

<p>No fair... I'm taking one AP this year, too, and it's only boosted my GPA something like .02 points! I guess colleges reweight it though.</p>

<p>Even with a weird school grading system, there is no way you can have a 4.5 as a freshman even with one ap and regardless of how many honors classes you have. Most people obtain that at the end of sophomore year at the earliest. I don't think your gpa is correct because with a 3.85 unw, a 4.5 w doesn't match up.</p>

<p>His school's grading scale could be based off of 6 points, like mine is. Honors classes are worth 5, APs worth 6. So one AP, 4-5 Honors, and a few regulars. Throw in a few B/B+ to account for the 3.85 unweighted and voila, 4.5 GPA that puts him in the top 50ish of his class of 900ish.</p>

<p>As a freshman, you already have an intrest in college-- which could help you. If you remember that then maybe you can keep up the good work. Good luck and with your grades, if you keep progressing then i think that at least some of the Ivies are not too far off.</p>

<p>Encumbrance, makechili was correct.
5 points for honors
6 for ap</p>

<p>You only have 1/2 a year of high school. You need to stop thinking about it. It is easy to have a 3.8 gpa in the first 6 mos of high school. You didn't list any EC's, so do you think everyone with a 3.8 gpa can make it into stanford?</p>

<p>Honestly, it is like newborn babies, at first they all look the same, but then things happen and they start to be different. It is the same with high schoolers. If you didn't list any talents, EC's or anything, how are we supposed to know? Obviously so far the grades are standard, but if nothing else, then no. Come back later and just live.</p>

<p>Also, your PSAT scores need to imporove, I took them beginning of soph year and got 90 of juniors, and how did you get into an AP class during frosh year?</p>

<p>sorry for the brutality, but seriously</p>

<p>well thanks for your input keil.
and nice work on the 90%, but i didn't ask you to compare my scores to yours.</p>

<p>my psat scores could use a little improvement couldn't they?</p>

<p>well so could your spelling.</p>

<p>by the way, most schools offer at least 1 ap class every year.</p>

<p>lol. keil didn't spell anything wrong. if you're looking at frosh, frosh=fresh. i actually didn't find that out until this year either. :P</p>

<p>just relax, jimmie. you're still a freshman. grades and ECs come first, in my opinion. THEN start thinking about which college to apply to.
in your college search, look at what fits you best, not the best name. and either way, i think everyone would agree that freshman year is a bit early to be determining colleges.</p>

<p>anyways, good luck. and don't forget to enjoy high school. these are the best years of your life. at least that's what i've heard.</p>

<p>WOOOOW way to go Jimmie on reposting my response on my own thread..</p>

<p>ever consider that I have a way more complex history than you? also, colleges are contacting me because my scores are actually being recorded now, and I'm halfway done with high school, only one year left until I apply..
I also need to know if I should take a summer course.</p>

<p>I'm stating the truth, think about how many freshmen have straight a plusses now..what makes them different are the ECs, the SATS, your grades in your AP classes and more...no one can judge what college you can get into by one semester..I mean I know this girl who had all these good grades until this year she like failed AP (not saying this is you, but i'm saying everyone starts off well for the most part)
If you continue your path, with a raised SAT score and a million doctor programs and volunteering and awards, then maybe you can get in, but like really, don't you see my point? No freshmen is mentally ready for college yet, so we can't consider...also i'm typing on my sidekick so I need to abbreviate. Lastly I was only saying my scores because I'm showing you that scores aren't everything..and I was showing an increase of sophomore grades..because it doesn't really reflect a true score, that is why it isn't reported...</p>

<p>...aaaaandd i'm usually a nice person but it was the only way I could get my points across...it was quite rude reposting my post on my own thread...</p>

<p>quit worrying about getting into college so early. most of the kids i know who were wrapped up with college admissions freshmen/sophomore year burned out... just a warning.</p>

<p>just keep your grades up and figure out what you like to do and you'll end up wherever your supposed to.</p>

my psat scores could use a little improvement couldn't they?</p>

<p>well so could your spelling.


also don't have such a bad attitude lol. you asked for people to critique you and then you get mad when they do... you have a long ways to go young grasshopper :).</p>

<p>good luck!</p>