High School Isn't Over Yet: NACAC Report on Rescinded Acceptances


I wish we could rescind the jobs of the admissions officers… ;)</p>

<p>what kind of disciplinary issues are there?</p>

<p>My D is a senior with straight A’s, who attends a rigorous all-girls prep school, but she has been dragging through the past 2 weeks. With just 3 more days to go (it all ends on Thursday, except for 2 exams in the following 10 days), she is nearly catatonic! She spends the entire day watching videos or having “circle time”, which is a euphamism for
“sharing time”. The only bit of work she actually did today was going to an art room to grab a glue stick to tack her AP French story to poster board!! And these are seniors… what a pity that, in this state anyway, schools ( even private ones, as long as they make the kids take Regents Exams) haul the kids in and make 'em stay, since if they are there at 10AM, the school gets state aid. I just don’t understand it…?</p>

<p>theres a senior whose bragging about how he got into a school but he has senioritis. He has an F and he cant pull it up (below a 10% probably) but in an elective, will he get rescinded?</p>

<p>Ugh… I have like a week left of school and I’m so nervous… I have a legit C in physics and there is no way i can bring it up at this point… I’m just estimating my final grades based on my cumulative grades for the first 3 quarters because i haven’t slacked off that much… but…
Full year courses:
AP Engl: B
Latin II H: A-
Physics C+ (Physics grade is not an estimate, it’s a legit grade… i asked my teacher. He said thats what the final grade is at this point… one week of classes left…)
AP world:B </p>

<p>Semester long courses
Antrho: A-/B+
Career Intern: A+
Gym: A-
Forensics: A
Pre-calc: A-
Trig: B-</p>

<p>You should be totally fine, aimee. Only worry if you somehow end up with a D/F.</p>

<p>okay thanks… i’m just really worried because i’ve never gotten a C for a final grade before and getting into SU is like a dream for me…i’m still in complete shock that i even got accepted…</p>

<p>will a grade of 10% get rescinded? (this kid will not graduate without summer courses)</p>

<p>It’s definitely possible, itry (unless there’s a legitimate reason).</p>

<p>i dont think senioritis is one, unless they wont because he is a top state ranked athlete.</p>

<p>been warning S of this since mid terms grades were posted! to not much avail</p>

<p>1st semester: A, A, A, B+, B-, C+ (A’s were actually an A+s except his school does not do A+)
Same classes 2nd semester: A, A, C-,C-, C, C-</p>

<p>At this point in the game he did not see the value in following through with Spanish and Social Studies - not his strong suits and not required for graduation - and nothing he is interested in pursuing in the future - so those tanked. And he was pretty much distracted for a couple of his other classes as well - A’s in math and music however.</p>

<p>I guess we’ll see…</p>

<p>I feel like I’m in the same boat as your son #theorymom,</p>

<p>except I just received a letter in the mail today telling me to explain why my grades decreased. I ended up dropping from A’s and B’s to B’s and three C’s. I wrote them a 700 word letter explaining to them and I plan on going to visit the dean of admissions and explaining as well.</p>

<p>I’m so nervous about getting revoked…</p>

<p>good luck tribee.</p>

<p>So what WAS the reason your grades fell? (practice here ;-0)</p>

<p>Senioritis happened to me second semester of junior year. I am so worried about admissions…and really need a time machine.
I have no clue what caused it either. What the hell, why did it happen!?</p>

<p>Also, about the question about dropping classes, a kid from my school said that he asked the college that he got accepted to, and they let him drop a class second semester, Chemistry. Maybe an extreme example.</p>

<p>Once again, I think that there’s a glaring omission of information in this article. Like how many times was a student rescinded? Funny how they forgot to mention that. And without that stat the article is a joke. Then they have all these impressive looking but basically useless charts about percentages of occurrences, or possible occurrences.</p>

<p>Well, they do let slip one important fact: Two thirds of the institutions didn’t even have a single recision in 2007. So what does that tell us? First of all, all the posters who might get a D should just chill already. Believe me, there’s worse stuff going on and even that won’t draw attention.</p>

<p>And second, they must be doing their percentage charts based on some very small numbers. It’s as if they have some political agenda to make it seem like this is some big issue, which it obviously isn’t. Think about it. If you were an adcom or a university president, how much of your budget would you allocate to this “problem”?</p>

<p>So, for 99.999999% of you, high school is over. It ended in April, and you could have coasted since then. Enjoy your summer. Please don’t get nervous every time a letter comes in.</p>

<p>I just graduated from high school and I was wondering if I’d get rescinded or put on probation because of a D i received this year in Multivariable Calc. The rest of my senior year grades were A’s and B+'s, but would the one D warrant some sort of disciplinary action be taken by Cornell? To make it worse I had an A+ in that class on the midyear report. Also, I am receiving a lot of financial aid, so would it be possible for the school to take back some of that aid? Thanks for the help.</p>

<p>i want to know more about the falsified ec’s etc… like where does a college draw the line as to where you in this club or not and how do they find out stuff like that?</p>

<p>To me personally, it is each person’s own fault for the bad grades. If you wanted to be in that school you got into enough then you would have know that you needed to work just as hard or harder to get those good grades and keep up your rank. </p>

<p>If you are running a marathon you don’t just slow down near the end because you are almost done, you speed up to finish strong!</p>