High school junior chance me!!

<p>I'm currently a junior and I'm visiting Wisconsin in the next few weeks, wanted to know what my chances are so far and how I can increase my chance of being accepted to University of Wisconsin!! </p>

<p>My school doesn't do GPA out of 4.0 so I'm not sure how to convert that</p>

<p>current unweighted gpa - 95
current weighted gpa - 99</p>

<p>honors and APs throughout high school and during senior year: honors english 9, honors english 10, AP english 11, AP english 12, honors spanish, college spanish, honors bio, college forensics, honors US history 9, honors US history 10, AP history 11, AP gov, honors micro/macro economics, AP art history, advanced journalism, advanced digital photography, college marketing, </p>

<p>other classes: chemistry, physics, criminology, psychology, italian, geometry, trig, precalc, calculus, spanish since middle school, journalism, health, computer tech and careers,</p>

<p>getting my SAT scores sometime this week but im going to take them until i get at least a 2000</p>

<p>was supposed to take the ACT this weekend but it got cancelled, going to take it until i get at least a 30</p>

<p>participated in an italian exchange student program through my temple, went to italy during a week and stayed with a family, then hosted them at my house for a week</p>

key club
environmental club
school newspaper
cabaret club (show my school puts on to benefit pediatric cancer)
world language club </p>

<p>volunteer weekly at a program in my town that helps kids whose parents/siblings have cancer </p>

<p>please please tell me what you think!! thank you!!</p>

<p>UW only considers unweighted grades. 4.0=A, 3.0=B… Ask your HS guidance office how to convert. Rigor of classes also considered- meaning did you take the most rigorous or easiest courses available to you. Most students will take many of the most difficult of the course choices, eg honors/AP instead of or in addition to for AP the regular version. It sounds like you are competitive, never any guarantees.</p>