High School Junior (Out of State)

<p>Currently I am a junior outside of Texas. I am a white male. I have a 4.0 GPA and 29 ACT and I scored 1820 on the SAT. I take as many AP classes as I can. What can I do in my next two years and what are my chances (if I improve my test scores) of getting into A$M with out of state fees waived? And possibly scholarships. What scores should I shoot for on ACT and SAT?</p>

<p>*A&M… Not A$M.</p>

<p>what is your class ranking and what is your math & critical reading scores on your SAT?
Automatic admits are for top 25% of your class and 30ACT (with min 27 on Math & English) or 1300 SAT on Math & Critical Reading combined (with min of 600 on each of the components)
You must have taken the recommended high school coursework
You also have to meet the State of Texas Uniform Admission Policy <a href=“http://admissions.tamu.edu/freshmen/gettingin/TexasUAP.aspx[/url]”>http://admissions.tamu.edu/freshmen/gettingin/TexasUAP.aspx&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I scored 810 in both math and critical reading(as a sophomore). Currently I am top 5% of my class. What scores for ACT and SAT would help to waive out of state fees?</p>

<p>SAT & ACT scores will not get you waived from out of state tuition.
You need a $1000 scholarship to waive out of state tuition.
You must fill out the application and do all three of the essays - and get that application in before Dec 1st - which is the scholarship deadline.<br>
Check here for more information:
<a href=“https://scholarships.tamu.edu/information/tuition_waiver.aspx[/url]”>https://scholarships.tamu.edu/information/tuition_waiver.aspx&lt;/a&gt;
and be sure to do all you can do to get that scholarship!</p>

<p>If you qualify for automatic admission it is not hard to get in. When you visit they will tell you most out of state get in state tuition as part of their financial aid package. And this is true out of 400 out of state admissions 3/4 get in state tuition. But… If your parents make a lot of money you will pay out of state tuition even if you have high scores. Most merit scholarships that are need blind are given to National Merit Scholars. If your parents estimated financial contribution is low and you get a needs based scholarship of $1000 that Texas residents qualify for they wave out of state tuition. My son had 34 act/1700 sat good grades,lots of AP classes and we still ended up paying out of state. All expenses aproximately $40,000 per year. Think very hard if this is worth it. I know some California in state tuitions are equivalent. There may be better deals to be had. Also the major you get admitted into it is very hard to switch. Hard to tell at 18 what you really want to do. They have many strict rules in switching so you could end up paying a lot of money for a major you don’t want and unable to switch majors without changing schools.</p>