<p>I hope I do not sound like a college-obsessed junior... Because I'm not. I'm simply curious. As I am considering applying ED in the fall, I am currently trying to make sense of the mysterious college admissions process.</p>
<p>And so I have a question about High School recommendations... My understanding is that the number of recommendations you are allowed to submit/what teachers you are allowed to submit recommendations from ultimately varies from college to college; it depends on what particular college you are applying to. And many colleges state that they want recommendations from "academic classes". My question is: What is an academic class?</p>
<p>From where I stand right now (as a junior), I would hopefully submit a recommendation from my English teacher and from my French teacher. *My second question is: Would French be considered an 'academic' class, or are 'academic' classes simply: English, History, Science, and Math? *</p>
<p>There are other colleges which state they accept 'additional recommendations' from teachers who have something to say about you that another teacher could not attest for. My next question is: Would it be wise to send one in (if the college allows it)? And I have a Select Vocal Ensemble teacher who I have had for 2 years, 3 by my senior year, and he knows me very well... I've performed under his conducting in competitions, at colleges, etc. I've stayed after school with him countless times working on voice training, and he I do believe he's seen a side to me that my academic teachers have not. Is this the type of circumstance these colleges are talking about?</p>
<p>French is absolutely an academic subject. However, some colleges require a math/science rec and a humanities rec, so make sure you check the requirements for all of your colleges before you get set on your French and English teachers. Also, it looks good if you have at least one rec from someone in your potential major/focus, so keep that it mind as well
But your vocal teacher is exactly the type of situation that colleges believe would merit an additional rec; it would certainly be worth it to send his rec in if colleges allow the extra.
Hope this helps! Good luck with ED! :D</p>
<p>foreign languages count as academic. </p>
<p>note that some colleges prefer one rec from a math/science teacher and one from a humanities/social sciences teacher, however, and english and french would both fall under humanities.
well, the colleges mean what they say: if they have “something to say about you that another teacher could not attest for.” colleges will read everything you send them, but don’t send them extraneous stuff just because you can. however, it sounds like you answered your own question there, that your voice teacher would add something to your app.</p>
<p>also note that if you are sending a planning on sending a musical supplement (for voice) that the college may ask for a rec from your voice teacher anyway.</p>
<p>Sabster - Thank you very much for your advice/good luck I’m not sure what exactly I want to major in… A humanity (possibly English or French, haha) & eventually get my certification to teach high school. </p>
<p>Jarsilver - Thank you as well for your useful advice. I will take what both of you said to heart, about math/science as well as a humanities rec… I will make sure I check up on that. I’m pretty sure that most of the colleges I’ve looked at do not specify on that.</p>