High School refuses to send out secondary school report

<p>I sent an email to my high school about sending out transcripts to colleges I'm applying for transfer to and they said that they would not fill out the secondary school report. Here is the email I got from my school:</p>

<p>"Upon speaking to my supervisor. He has informed me that we do not fill out the common app secondary school reports, for students who already have graduated. Your request is costly to the district. I will send your transcripts out,although if you can replace the postage it would be greatley appreciated."</p>

<p>What should I do? Apparently, these colleges require this report.</p>

<p>My school doesn’t do them either.</p>

<p>All the information on the SS Report is on the Final HS transcripts. After a lot (like 1 minute) of talking I got them to do it.</p>

<p>If you have a chance, get someone to go in person like parents/siblings. Someone in person is more likely to get them to do it.</p>

<p>Ugh. Will it seriously affect my chances at transferring if they don’t send the report? I’m applying to Cornell, Georgetown, Duke, etc.</p>

<p>I would be so mad if, after working so hard, I didn’t get in because of something stupid like this.</p>

<p>I feel as though they wouldn’t fill it out.</p>

<p>At an absolute minimum, you need them to send proof of graduation, and preferabley transcript.</p>

<p>Ask them what the exact cost is - you may have to pay for it to get them to fill it out.</p>

<p>The secondary report shows status in courses underway for HS seniors; I can’t figure out why you need a secondary report from your HS, since you have graduated. Now a secondary from a college you are attending would provide useful info, but I don’t think there is a process for that.</p>