<p>I had extremely high marks in high school with a 2350 SAT and 790 Chem SAT II, 740 Math SAT II, and 730 Latin SAT II. How much do high school stats matter? Do high school extracurriculars also factor in? I'm at MIT right now, but am looking at Stanford, Yale, and Penn (Wharton) - but I have no grades fall term (since we are on Pass/No Record). I can send the scores individually through professors, but it seems really hard to get close to professors who are so busy. Anyway, how much do high school scores count for in transfer admissions?</p>
<p>Are you applying as a junior transfer?</p>
<p>High school scores count a lot more for sophomore transfers, and less- to not at all for juniors. It's difficult to quantify exactly how much (like 50/50), but you should definitely apply. Do everything you can to get at least one professor LOR.</p>