<p>I'm doing a little survey. Sports are HUGE at my school, if you don't play a sport you are an outcast (unless you are amazing at art/music). Even the "nerds" that get all A's and 5's on AP tests are at least on swim team.</p>
<p>What do you play?
Are you on JV, Frosh, Varsity?
Ever been cut from a team?
Do you play something outside of school?
What grade are you in?</p>
<p>I personally play Varsity Volleyball, Varsity Track, and Hopefully Varsity Basketball this year.
Then I play basketball, volleyball, track and field hockey outside of school. I'm a sophomore</p>
<p>I play varsity basketball, baseball, and soccer.</p>
<p>I’ve never been cut from a team.</p>
<p>I’ll be a junior. </p>
<p>I play ultimate frisbee, lacrosse, and football with friends.</p>
<p>I can’t play sports(medically). -_- I’d be a loser at your school, lol.</p>
<p>I don’t play sports a lot, mainly because I’m weak and never get good.</p>
<p>My school is so prejudice! You just have to be outstanding at something non academic and sports is usually the thing</p>
<p>Mine is like 25% jocks/cheerleaders, 10% smart kids, and like 65% of them will barely graduate.</p>
<p>haha, I know what you mean. Mine is more like 90% Try hards and Wanna Be’s.
They all think they are going to the olympics I swear</p>
<p>Sports are required. Underclassmen have to play all three seasons, juniors 2, seniors 1. </p>
<p>I’m a rising senior. I’ll be on thirds soccer in the fall [the team is really fun], rec-fit in the winter [season off], and Varsity Crew in the spring [i’m a coxswain though. it’s not like I’m coordinated or anything!].</p>
<p>Required sports?! Thats awesome! (If you like sports)</p>
<p>What do you play? Tennis
Are you on JV, Frosh, Varsity? Varsity
Ever been cut from a team? No
Do you play something outside of school? Tennis
What grade are you in? 11</p>
<p>Track (Varsity this year) indoor and out
Probably varsity swim team next year
But gosh I hate sports… 
10th grade</p>
<p>Another question: Do you get credit for PE when you play a sport?</p>
<p>My son ran XC and track in HS, all twelve semesters - he was a serious athlete. But he still had to take PE! Even if there was a meet after school, he had to participate in class - like running a timed mile. I thought that was ridiculous. If he missed a class to go away to a meet, he had to make up the time, also.</p>
<p>YES!! I still had to take PE even though I play sports year round one on a junior olympic level! I hate that.
This is one of my biggest pet peeves about the whole system. I had practice every day, and sports practice is WAY more intense than PE, yet I still have to take PE! </p>
<p>Also, thats awful having to run a timed mile for an XC runner. I run track, but I’m a sprinter, no endurance.</p>
<p>What do you play? Tennis and Swim
Are you on JV, Frosh, Varsity? JV Tennis(Varsity Backup), Varsity Swim Team(would probably be JV at another school)
Ever been cut from a team? No.
Do you play something outside of school? Tennis, Racquetball, Soccer
What grade are you in? Going into 10th</p>
<p>@MaineLonghorn: No,you usually don’t get credit for P.E when you play a sport(I wish we did though)except for some private schools. That’s strange that your son’s school made him participate in P.E(the mile)the day of a meet. At my school we are exempt from running the mile the day of a big swim meet(same goes for other sports).</p>
<p>I golf on the girl’s team where all of the grades are combined into one team. I’m a freshman and I’ve never been cut. Aside from school, I play soccer, dance, and gymnastics.</p>
<p>I know my sister’s kids get credit at their Texas public school.</p>
<p>I wrestle, do track, run cross country, play golf, and play tennis.</p>
<p>All varsity, except for wrestling where I was back-up varsity and normally wrestled JV (although I still lettered). I will most likely be a varsity starter this year.</p>
<p>Never been cut but none of my sports cut in the first place.</p>
<p>I play rugby in my downtime. My school doesn’t have a rugby team but I’d like to play in college. I also weightlift outside of school (3 to 5 times a week).</p>
<p>Incoming junior.</p>
<p>Also, our school doesn’t award PE credit for sports. I remember having two back-to-back wrestling meets, both were like 8 hours long, and I still had to run like 2 miles for PE. Ridiculous. =/</p>
<p>All sports at my school count as an actual class and therefore give PE credit. I love that I don’t have PE and that I have tennis during school so I don’t have to stay after school so late everyday, but it’s annoying now because it takes up 1 out of only 6 classes so I’m really limited on how many APs I can take.</p>
<p>I’ve played three varsity sports since I was a freshman and I still had to take two sessions of summer PE.</p>
<p>I played on the JV Softball team my freshman year, but I quit after the season was over to focus more intensively on horseback riding. I also take ballet classes just for fun once a week.</p>