<p>I assume that most of your District Thespian Festivals are completed, but there are still some going on soon.
How did you do? Any Best in Shows?
Here at District 5 in Florida, we held it at our own school for the One Act Showcase, and that had its positives and negatives. One of the positives being that we raised over 6000 dollars for our program!</p>
<p>What did you IEs did you compete in? I did Pantomime and Small Group Musical!</p>
<p>Who's ready for State Festival?? Wooooooooooot!!!!!!!</p>
<p>Well, theatre is one of my passions. I’m a techie and also have been inducted in ITS. However, we don’t have District Thespian Festivals. BUT are State Festival is on Thursday!!! AHH. I’m so freakin’ excited!</p>
<p>Nicee! What state are you in, and what IE’s or One Act Plays are you competing in??</p>
<p>Techies UNITE!!!</p>
<p>lol. anyway, one of my friends is making my try out for one-acts with her. I doubt I’ll make one. and i’m psyched for the spring musical. as a techie, there will be way much more to DO than there was in the fall play.</p>
<p>You guys are making me miss my drama days. :(</p>
<p>At my school, the thespians are the weirdest, least attractive group of kids in one place. It’s very creepy. And then there’s one popular guy who wants to be an actor that participates in the competitions, but never says a word to the other thespians. </p>
<p>BTW, who was the idiot who chose the name “thespians?”</p>
<p>^well it sounds better than “theater kids”. it’s a nice, all-encompassing word for someone who involves oneself in the theatre.</p>
<p>I know, but when one sees it written, the first thing that comes to mind is “lesbians.” Not so ironic because a disproportionately high number of our thespians club (team? troupe?) are openly gay or bi.</p>
<p>^i think that’s just you…</p>
<p>Well “thespian” derives from the Ancient Greek Thespis, who was the first known actor who performed as a character in a play.</p>
<p>Yeah, there are a lot of gay/bi thespians. But that doesn’t affect me or anything. Take a walk down downtown San Francisco and its the same thing. </p>
<p>I’m from Florida here! Our state festival is in MARCH.
But then again, its the week before Spring Break, so we get double the break!!! :)</p>
<p>^ I’m from Florida too. All our kids were talking about oneacts back before break. Not exactly sure what it was, but apparently we did well lol</p>
<p>I was a thespian too. Techies! </p>
<p>Our school was too poor to go to any competitions though :/. We self-funded all of our plays and everything and our ex-director made 5 person musicals into 70 person musicals with all brand new costumes <em>angry face</em>!</p>