<p>Hi, I'm a junior and my unweighted gpa is low 3.58 and my weighted one is 4.23. (I'm in the math science magnet program).My SAT score is ok, 2100.
- Members of 5 clubs at my school, have office positions for 2 of them.
- founder of an instrumental club and planning to found my own organization.
-Have a small business
-Chemistry and Math tutor
-I play tennis and i'm on the varsity tennis team. I'm ranked around 150 in my state for girls tennis tennis.(Still working on improving it).
-received 2 awards for flute and I have passed Grade 8 exam for Royal Conservatory of Music.
- I have worked at the National Institutes of Health during the summer and i'm planning to enter the Intel competition.
-Member of chemistry team in my school. Went to state level competitions<br>
-AP scholar (hopefully)
taking many hard math and science related courses such as genetics, AP chem, Cell physiology, Biochemistry, Advanced Chem, Advanced Bio, Advanced Physics
Sophomore yr: AP Government (4)
Planning to take : AP Chem, AP Bio, AP Chinese, Ap Econ (Macro and Micro) AP World, AP Calculus, AP Music Theory
AP Chinese (800)
Planning to take : Math II and Chemistry.</p>
<p>My top choices are :
UChicago (MY #1 choice!)
Johns Hopkins
<p>What are my chances?? PLEASE take a few minutes and chance me!
I really do appreciate your help!