<p>Yeah i was wondering if anyone knew the answer to this question. Are waitlisted people higher priority than appeals?</p>
<p>While I doubt you will find a direct answer to this, I would say they are probably treated separately, neither given particularly more priority. Considering the vast number of appeals that are denied, I doubt it will make a huge difference into the entering freshmen class.</p>
<p>I dont know about ucsb
but i found this on the uci forum</p>
<p>"kind of bad news. we have a family friend who is an admin counselor at irvine and this is what she told us: basically, as far as appeals go due to the extra economic budget deficits posed on the UC systems they are virtually ruling out all appeals for consideration because they have no room for anyone else. so even if they didnt recieve your orginal course, appealing the decision will not really help at all because the appeals are virually ignored this year. it sucks i know. hope this helped alot of people and saved them alot of necessary time.</p>
<p>p.s.- the waitlist that unadmitted students get put on is now kind of the unofficial appeals dept/sect. that is why the appeals are going to be practically ignored"</p>
<p>… idk if its right or not though</p>
<p>D’8 aaaaaahhhhhh nooooooo D:</p>